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This post is more than 5 years old


July 12th, 2007 21:00

AVG Free + Spybot Search and Destroy = Good combination?

I've been running AVG Free Anti-Virus and Spybot Search and Destroy and it is working beautifully. They tend to need to be updated a lot, but if it keeps my computer clean of viruses and malware, it's fine by me. No problems with the two whatsoever. Anyone else have the same combination?

503 Posts

July 12th, 2007 21:00

I do have windows defender, It is also protecting my computer as well.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

July 12th, 2007 21:00

AVG free antivirus is a good choice for resident anti-virus, with on-demand scanner.
as for spybot, you didn't indicate which version you're running, whether you use it only as an on-demand scanner, or whether you're using its TeaTimer resident feature.
i'm  assuming you're running 1.4, as an on-demand scanner only.   if that's your only anti-malware program, it's really not enough... in fact, it's rather "archaic" at this point.
The reason why i'm assuming v 1.4 is that it's the last full/official release.   And unfortunately, its TeaTimer has a "buggy" display :smileysad:
version 1.5 has a preliminary (BETA) release, which has fixed the TeaTimer display glitch.   but as cited, this is a BETA (i.e., undergoing testing) version, so it should only be tried/used by people who are willing to be "guinea pigs".
by the way, TeaTimer offers resident anti-malware protection, which is necessary in addition to an on-demand scanner [and in addition to a resident anti-virus].   If you don't want to "play" with the BETA, and have no other resident anti-malware scanner, you should consider windows defender.

503 Posts

July 12th, 2007 21:00

Yes, I'm running version 1.4.

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

July 12th, 2007 21:00

Here's some suggestions/advice I just copied from one of my other threads:
in terms of free anti-MALWARE:
If we consider two well-respected "short" lists:
(steps 7 and 9)
to see what they share in common...
--- and limiting the recommendations I cite below to free products, so as not to be accused of "pushing" anything paid ---
we note that BOTH of these sites recommend the following FREE products:
Ad-Aware SE 
[ Note/Update:  The SE  product is being phased-out, in favor of a newer 2007 version. 
The 2007 product, being new, is subject to further testing and evaluation.  
Be advised that most preliminary reports are *NOT* favorable!!
2007 will run on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, but is *NOT* yet Vista-compatible ]
Windows Defender  [Windows XP Service Pack 2, or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1;
and I believe it's automatically included as part of Vista]
SuperAntiSpyware [ Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, Vista, 2003 and XP Home/Pro]
AVG AntiSpyware (formerly EWIDO; the ON-DEMAND scanner is fully free)
[Windows XP Home/Pro with SP2, or Windows 2000 SP4 with Security Rollup Pack]
(and SpyBot Search & Destroy [Windows 98 and later] --- an "in addition" comment at Spyware Warrior, where technically it is classified as "useful"
Notes:  Windows Defender offers resident [continually running in real-time] protection.
You should run only one resident anti-malware program (in addition to your resident anti-virus program) --- but feel free to download and use as many anti-malware SCANNERS as you wish.



To simplify matters:   If I had to choose a minimal  anti-malware configuration from the above list, my personal picks would be Windows Defender [as my resident scanner... and it also offers an on-demand scanner] together with SuperAntiSpyware as a "complimentary" on-demand scanner [using only one anti-malware scanner is not enough --- you should use at least two... and all of the above are compatible together, if you so wish].


In addition to these, I'm also a big fan of --- and strongly recommend --- WinPatrol [Windows 98 thru Windows Vista]:

503 Posts

July 12th, 2007 22:00

Should I just stick with AVG and Spybot but add Winpatrol? You think that'll be alright? I was planning on doing that

503 Posts

July 12th, 2007 22:00

I've heard that Nod32 and AVG are amazing together. What do you think?

503 Posts

July 12th, 2007 22:00

Even though you have to pay for it...

3 Apprentice


15.2K Posts

July 13th, 2007 00:00

concerning NOD32 and AVG :    If you're talking about RESIDENT (continually-running in real-time) anti-viruses, you should be using only one such resident a-v at any given time.   using more than one generally slows down your system, and/or can cause conflicts.
[if they allow you to disable the resident-protection aspect, it would be okay to choose one company's product for resident protection, and use the other company's (in a non-resident capacity) for an on-demand scanner]
i'd certainly add winpatrol.   great little program.   does a lot, yet uses minimal resources.  
between windows defender (for resident anti-malware protection), winpatrol, and spybot (as an on-demand scanner), you'd have a reasonable group of protection. 
but, as I mentioned earlier, i personally much prefer superantispyware to spybot... other people may suggest their "favorite"... to each his/her own

503 Posts

July 13th, 2007 00:00

Ah. Thank you very much.
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