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April 28th, 2011 05:00

Android V2.2.2 for Dell Streak

I recently purchased a Dell Streak and upgraded to Android Version 2.2, received another message with a further upgrade.  My Dell Streak is now running Android version 2.2.2 and I am afraid it may be a scam.  I have an application called oovoo running all the time and it appears to have taken over all the phone.  I have tried to reset to factory default and reinstalling Android Version 2.2 from Streak_318_12821_00.pkg (renamed as update.pkg) to receive an error message "Error in sdcard/update.pkg.dec". Have tried to update directly from the phone settings only to receive a message " No further updates available".  What can I do to get my phone back from oovoo?

5 Posts

April 28th, 2011 06:00

There's a fix for this, according to oovoo

1 Message

April 28th, 2011 12:00

Its not a scam, the 2.2.2 update offers some bug fixes and also a new DELL STAGE UI, with more and better widgets. Also the pre-loaded application package is also greatly improved. It has the latest google map version and the car more is also there, kindle for android with widget is also present. Enjoy it. 

2 Posts

April 28th, 2011 14:00

sorry i must say that the new update slow downs my streak mini 5. i mean the new widgets and features are looking nice but, isn't it better to develop a energy and performance lower software ? ... i would like to use it without a lag when i scroll through my gallery or something else ?!

3 Posts

April 29th, 2011 00:00

Many thanks, I feel a bit of an idiot.

3 Posts

April 29th, 2011 01:00

Thank you, it is a relief to know, I wish Dell had put a notice on their website about this.  I really love the Dell Streak and I will now enjoy it.

1 Message

April 29th, 2011 08:00

Dell streak Android update 2.2.2

single line suggestion don't do it?

I wish dell should really release some patch/fixes on the same soon.

List of problems identified in one day.

1. Battery drained ( Full battery 100% doesn't last more then 6hours earlier it used to be enough at-least for day plus minus) This reason is more then enough not to upgrade please dell team do something on the same ASAP.

2. ooVoo erratic app start always automatically and gives contineous popup.

3. Lot of nonsense application installed, it should be customized where users you can select if you required?

4. Phone hangs frequently at least 3-4 times in day.

5. Gmail sync not working what to say further :).

6. Sync symbol is always on. why?

Lot more nonsense things are there i have stopped using streak till time new patch comes.

users who want to upgrade should think twice.

Rgds Naman  

78 Posts

April 29th, 2011 12:00

Namanpandya wrote the following post at Fri, Apr 29 2011 8:43 AM:

From the looks of Naman's list, i think I will bypass the 2.2.2 update.  I like the speed of my streak as it is.  I am familiar with all thats running in the bckground and knows which is criticl and which isnt.  I hate to even remotely feel the sluggish he's described and the bugs that it appears to have.

I'll wait till Dell does some patches.... Meantime... "I"M GOING STREAK'n!!!"

1 Message

May 2nd, 2011 17:00

What other Forum users are questioning, is why Dell imagines everyone has access to Wi-Fi?

Perhaps 40% of users have access to Wi-Fi, so updating to 2.2.2 is an impossibility.

A public Wi-Fi spot is so slow, it can download 13% in 25 minutes, and usually there is a limit on how much access you can have.

I reasoned I would have to stay all day in the public Library to achieve the full download.

Dell is remiss in not offering the download via 3G also, and from a link on their site - which would then be seen to be trustworthy, rather than various forums.

I am amazed that the release of 2.2.2 is not even officially recognized on Dell's site, - just 2.2

Anyhow, it seems from what others are suggesting, it is as well that I was not able to finish the download at the Library.

But again I must say, that Dell needs to consider it's customer service a little more, and offer different alternatives to achieve the same solution.

All upgrades need to be offered in different formats, - WiFi, 3G and PC from their own site, rather than someone elses. That leaves you wondering how did they get it,

and is it trustworthy.


30 Posts

May 2nd, 2011 20:00

Not sure why my post got deleted???

I updated my phone to Andorid 2.2.2 last week. Big mistake. The streak is a great device and i was loving the entire experience before i got tired up with the constant reminders and decided to upgrade. Initially i thought i made the best decision! The OS looked awesome...but only for a day. I am having huge issues in using the phone now. I have missed almost all of the calls. The slide ON does not work. If the phone is in sleep, then i have to spend at least a minute running the lock-unlock slider to get the unlock bar to move across. Then comes the more difficult part, putting inthe unlock code. The response time is variable, touchscreen response sluggish. Have to re-enter passwords again and again. And if there is a delay, and the phone goes in sleep. Repeat the entire steps again. However, if and when it does work it works like a charm, so i hope there will be a patch soon. Battery seems to drain more, but that could be imperical as i have to spend lots of time unlocking the phone. If anybody knows a way how to revert to android 2.2 from the sluggish 2.2.2. i would really appreciate your help.

78 Posts

May 3rd, 2011 05:00

the same thing:

after upgrade to 351-eu firmware (2.2.2) my streak 5 shows the following several lags which make me eager to return to 318-eu firmware:

1. battery drains ~15% faster;

2. gps works more slowly (sometime it fails to find satellites);

3. contacts often don't open and show black screen;

4. sometime sensor buttons don't work...


therefore joining to the previous poster - need help - could anyone give a hint how to downgrade from 351-eu (2.2.2) to 318-eu (2.2)?


After reading these experiences with the 2.2.2 update, I think I am going to pass on it. Question, if the 2.2.2 isnt on site (did I read that somewhere?), then, where are these update notifications coming from? Are they from ATT in an effort to once again cripple our phones? <>

15 Posts

May 3rd, 2011 22:00

I too have updated to 2.2.2. Here are my thoughts:

On the negative side ('they' being Dell and / or Google)

  • They still haven't fixed the volume control (the graphic goes the opposite way to the rocker)
  • They still haven't fixed the lack of 'Album Artist' support
  • Car mode doesn't close when the bluetooth connection is lost
  • The Dell Stage UI is still terrible in landscape (very slow and you have half the screen space for stuff, it's still designed for portrait use)
  • More bundled apps that I can't un-install (give me a choice!!!!)
  • Only 2.2.2

On the positive side over 2.2

  • .2

The bottom line

  • I still much prefer the UI that was in place when I bought the Streak on Donut (and one of the reasons why I did buy it).
  • I still have to use Launcher Pro because Dell replaced the excellent UI from Donut with some 'designed for portrait' UI rubbishness
  • Dell have changed the device from a small 'tablet' to a large 'phone' and that's a bad thing
  • It still doesn't feel as quick as it could and I suspect Dell have have still not enabled hardware acceleration
  • Although I appreciate Dell providing this update, I wish they would be more forthcoming about any planned updates, this would enable us to decide if we stick with the Streak for a bit longer, or move on

78 Posts

May 4th, 2011 07:00

So the update 2.2.2 is taking away the "tablet look and feel"? Then WHY on earth would I even want to update to 2.2.2? What are they thinking?
What is the whole purpose of the update in the first place? I am sticking it out with 2.2. Oh, the volume rocker seem to be designed for portrait where it is allinged with the top button increases while the "bottom" button decreases. I am like you, I have my "tablet" defaulted and stays in landscape and the buttons would be nicer if they did swap function, but ive gotten used to it as is.

30 Posts

May 4th, 2011 09:00

To all people who are struggling with the 2.2.2 update and others who are fearing the 2.2.2. update, i have found a solution to the problems associated with the update. Somehow the update messed up the screen calibration and response. I just did a screen recalibration and it works like a charm. The best thing of the update was the logon screen: the numbers were too small in the 2.2 which are huge in 2.2.2, making it easier to logon.

78 Posts

May 5th, 2011 19:00

You may have your answer by now regarding oovoo. Its just an update to allow you to start using your front facing cam in video to video calls. Give it a try with a friend. If you fnd out hw to get back to 2.2, let me know too. Always good to know as a backup

1 Message

May 5th, 2011 19:00

I got a notification for the upgrade. Downloaded. Installed. Everything seemed fine. Phone reboots. No upgrade. What happened? The notification is gone. No update is available on the About page anymore. There is nothing different. I'm running a locked ATT phone. No custom ROMS or anything. About phone still says I'm running 2.2, Baseband GAUSB1A135331-US. Kernel versionGAUSB1A135331. Build number 15697.
I thought it downloaded and didn't install maybe, but it's not in the download file.
Can someone help me get the update. I don't understand what happened. No new apps. No new Stage. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I feel, well, just dumb.
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