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1 Rookie


37 Posts


October 6th, 2022 15:00

How can I programmatically get server warranty information?

I'm trying to write a python script to retrieve current warranty information for our Dell poweredge servers using the service tag as a parameter.

Web searches turned up this request tag)?apikey=(api key)


But I get a "404 not found" error when using it.  Has this endpoint been retired? 


If so, what alternatives are there? I'm in an all-Linux shop so I cannot use any Windows utilities.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

October 7th, 2022 12:00

If needed i can take a look to my source but

  1. You need an TechSupport account and need to register your App to get your API-Key
  2. They switch to oauth2 two years ago so carefull if you found old source code examples somewhere in the internet

IIRC the change the output because some items goes deprecated or are removed and others are new. I use "curl" in my script.





3.2K Posts

October 7th, 2022 00:00

Hi @john.gooch,


We don't have good reference documentation for Phython scripting, wouldn't be able to help much. I did check the URL, it was previously used in OME 3.2.X for warranty access info, but I assume it has been moved to a newer URL. Based on OME 3.8, the URL has change to Ref:


Maybe you would like to try using the new URL and let us know if it helps. 


On a side note, the API key, did you obtain it from Dell?

1 Rookie


37 Posts

October 7th, 2022 07:00

The code containing the API endpoint and API key were given to me by another engineering team that recently merged with my current team.
I read the code over and they were using it to update warranty information in a database server, and I took that code and converted it to python from the original Go languange. I noted their code was last update 4 years ago, so it may be out of date, but it was at least a decent starting point.
The most useful information I was able to find was here , which explains the way the API works has changed to where you use a key and a secret to request a temporary session key. That temp key can then be used is request warrant information from Dell.
Yesterday, I registered here -   - to request API access, and my request status is "waiting on signatory"  I guess that all I can do is wait!
The current problem I'm trying to solve is that I recently noticed a server we purchased and maintain for a business partner had an expired warranty. We purchased hundred of these for them at the same time, so I suspect all of them will need their warrant/service contract renewed.

In order to generate a list of servers that we need to purchase a new warranty for, my task is to create an automated method ( script ) that I can feed service tags into an get warranty expiration dates back from. As I noted early, we're a Linux shop so Windows binary or PowerShell solutions won't work. We also don't run any Dell management software like Open Manage , so that is out as a data source as well.

I'm surprised that the best documentation that I could find on Dell's API wasn't on a Dell website. I did a lot of Web searches across Dell sites and the Web at large, and the link I shared was the best documentation I could find!
If you can me help with getting this information ( again, for hundreds of servers ) , that would be great. The sooner that I can get this warranty information for the servers, the sooner Dell gets more business from us!  



3.4K Posts

October 7th, 2022 08:00

Hello john.gooch,


Like Joey mentioned we don't do scripting so I couldn't help on that.


As noted OME could pull the warranty information and the Support site could pull it as well though that would be time consuming for hundreds of systems.


This looks like it could be a good solution for you:

TechDirect API Support Documentation


1 Rookie


37 Posts

October 7th, 2022 10:00

I’ll check that out .  


No worries about the script itself. As long as I have the credentials and know what api calls the script needs to complete, I can create the automation. 


My api access request was approved, and I’ve submitted a request for a  secret keypair to use for the automation.


My impression is that I’ll first request the temporary key,  and then use that key for the warranty data requests.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

October 7th, 2022 12:00

I can't reach that tech direct link , it says "This article is permission based. Find another article.", but I received my keys, and also a download link for "Dell Warranty API Version"  which contains pdfs, probably with the API documentation I need.


I'll read the docs over and update this thread.

1 Rookie


37 Posts

October 12th, 2022 14:00

It took several steps

1  Create account at Dell Tech Direct site. (instant)

2 Apply for API access. ( 2 days for approval )

3 Request API keys ( 2-3 days for approval)

Once I had the keys, I used the API docs for Oauth 2 and the WarrantyInfo API to successfully retrieve warranty information.  I got that working today, so we can close this request. 


Everyone's input was helpful, but I can only select one post as the solution, so I'll just pick one.


Thanks for you help!

1 Message

March 2nd, 2023 01:00

Link to API docs specifically for Oath 2 and WarrantyInfo API?



3.4K Posts

March 2nd, 2023 10:00


I didn't find any Oauth 2 doc, i can suggest this website for Dell Api, I dont know if you already know it

List warranty service API URIs | OpenManage Enterprise API | Dell Technologies Developer

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

March 4th, 2023 02:00

@DELL-Marco B , youre pointing to OME. 

@DonQui , in your key management there is a download link on the right "SDK download" which holds all (2 PDFs) informations.


2 Posts

December 11th, 2023 23:44


would need some advice -

how can I request for the api keys ??

from a Dell presentation that the api can be used to create help ticket , is there any code that will e able for me to do that ???



3.8K Posts

December 12th, 2023 06:58

Hello, as for a techdirect issue, may I direct you to open an official ticket, it will be easier to get assisted from there. Respectfully,

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