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October 6th, 2022 05:00

DellPEWSMANTools stops working on iDrac9 gen6



I would like to ask, what was changed in iDrac 9 generation 6 (exactly, that I am not able to login to the iDrac via powershell module "DellPEWSMANTools". There was no problem until iDrac version, which we used previously.

I don´t see any difference in HTTPS setting, so I have no idea, why the login is not working anymore.

Version of DellPEWSMANTools (I am not sure, if is newer)

Error message:

New-CimSession : The WinRM client cannot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid.


And of course, I am using thise setup, maybe needs to be something changed in this secure setting:

$Cimop=New-CimSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck -Encoding Utf8 -UseSsl

$Session= New-CimSession -Authentication Basic -Credential $Credentials -ComputerName $server -Port 443 -SessionOption $Cimop

Thank you

7 Posts

October 6th, 2022 22:00



good point, you have right, the tool is working via IP address, not via FQDN only, which I have set in the scripts. I found, that the web face also is not working via FQDN anymore, and I also found the reason. During the upgrade to these newest iDrac versions is automatically changed "Auto Config Domain Name" to enabled in common iDrac settings. So, the filled "Static DNS Domain Name" is removed, and the FQDN access just stops working.

I have no idea, why is this change performed during the upgrade, if is some objective security reason for this?

Thank you in advance



8.6K Posts

October 6th, 2022 11:00



Would you confirm a couple things, specifically if you're accessing it via IP or FQDN, as well as what does your webserver settings look like?


I think the issue is likely due to the tools being 5 + years old and well before the 14th generation was released.


Let me know.






3.2K Posts

October 7th, 2022 01:00

Hi @DexterLJ,


We're unsure of the reason, and it's not stated in the release notes either. It's probably the years of development and user demands, hence probably that's where the changes have been made. I've checked iDRAC 6 to 9 user guides, all the DNS registry have "Auto Config Domain Name".

7 Posts

October 7th, 2022 02:00


I did not mean, that the option is new. The value of this option was automatically changed from disabled to enabled after the upgrade of iDrac to the version 6. And this simply remove the set static DNS domain name value.

So, if is some reason, why the value is during upgrade changed from disabled to enabled.

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