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November 18th, 2016 04:00

VNX FAST Suite Fundamentals Quiz Query


Wondering if anyone can offer advice on the following.

The quiz at the end of the course I have a couple of issues with.

1st - The question - What is the maximum size of Fast Cache - In the slide "Fast Cache Features" it says the Fast Cache size is 100GB to 2TB (Depending on VNX model)

However later on in the slide "Fast Cache Configuration" it says it can be up to 4.2TB (Depending on VNX model).

Options are 100GB, 200GB, 2TB, 4.2TB. The answer is 4.2TB, Am I missing something or have 2 different figures been used?

2nd - The question - What is the default policy for new data in a FAST VP Pool - The options are Highest Available Tier, Lowest Available Tier, No Data movement or Auto Tier.

The correct answer, according to slide "FAST VP Policies" is Start High, then Auto Tier, which says it is the default policy setting for all Pool LUNs upon creation and recommended for most LUNs.

However according to the quiz the correct answer is "Highest Available Tier".



5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

November 18th, 2016 12:00

Hi Ben,

Thanks for bringing this to attention. You are correct on both points. So FAST Cache size issue - there are two max sizes stated in the training. That is a mistake that needs correcting. The information is also slightly out of date as well. To be totally correct the current max FAST Cache sizes are listed in these two tables (for two different FLASH drive  types).


You are also correct in the second point you raised. It is a bad question. I believe the intent of the question was to ask what tier does new data occupy if the default tiering policy is used. So the default policy is highest available, then auto-tier. Which means new data will go to the highest available tier first. The question is just badly written.

Again, Thanks for bringing these issues to attention. They will be corrected in the next course update.


John Hanson

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