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This post is more than 5 years old



March 17th, 2008 00:00

So Frustrated :( Windows Movie Maker/DVD Maker

I have worked a full WEEK on a blasted slideshow- I first made it on Adobe Premier El 3, that would NOT move :( It was a complete PAIN. So I then made it all over again on Windows Movie Maker and it took me to Windows DVD Maker when it was ready to burn.


HOWEVER- as I got to that point- I hit burn and it claims I have "A DVD Burner was not found. Make sure a DVD Burner in connected and installed, and then try again."


I am just about ready to throw this freakin thing out the window into the snow bank! I have tried EVERYTHING. It will NOT make a slideshow!  I have made them in the past. This time I added music to it- but all that is in the file is working PERFECTLY... until I try to BURN the flippin thing :(


Does ANYONE know what I can do? I am on an island where I cannot just run my DELL in to someone to dink with it... and I'm not real savy on it's "guts" either :( 


PLEASE, if you can help me... PLEASE share! I took my family to Disneyland- our first vacation in14 years... I so desperatey want this so we can watch it on the TV.


Thank you! 

2 Intern


366 Posts

March 17th, 2008 11:00

Some info on your PC would be very much as possible....model, processor, what type of DVD drive you have.....check the actual DVD drive "DVD RW" written on the bit that pops out. How old the machine is.




14 Posts

March 17th, 2008 17:00

I'm really sorry! I was so darned upset last night I forgot to add the good stuff :) 


I did a LOT of reading last night and ran across some forums where people were saying they are having the same issues. Some said that if they put another file onto the DVD first... like I just drug a simple white image onto the disc... then the program will recognize the burner exists.


I did this- and WAS able to get it to burn. But what a messed up time trying to get it to burn.  I'd still LOVE to figure out how to get it to burn RIGHT. If anyone happens to know :)


Thanks so much! 


Here is my comp info :)



Manufacturer: DELL 

Model: Dimension DXP061

Windows Vista Home Premium

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2CPU  6600 @ 2.40 GHz

System Type: 32-bit operating system 

Memory (RAM) 

2.00 GB RAM

256 MB ATI Radeon  X1300PRO


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