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April 17th, 2023 10:00

GX10N External CD/DVD reader not working with Windows 10 Exploprer

My old PC MB died. I got a new desktop, but it didn't come with a CD/DVD reader. So, I pulled out my old Dell GX10N External CD/DVD reader. However, the Windows 10 Explorer immediately tries to write to it. I get a dialog box that asks if I want to treat it as a USB drive or as a CD reader, but the CD reader option is disabled, and the USB option fails with the note that the disk is locked against writing.

Since I am simply trying to RIP a CD, the disk is -of course- write-locked. Windows media player will access the drive briefly, but then fails once Explorer tries to access it. My only work-around was to leave the Explorer dialog box open (ignore it), and use a 3d party ripping software (NCH Express Rip). 

How do I get Win10 / Explorer to access/read my GX10N correctly?

3 Apprentice


554 Posts

April 18th, 2023 10:00

Read my solution here, which should fix the "CD reader" option being disabled in the dialog box.

I'm not sure about the other part of your problem. You can try going to device manager, uninstall the CD drive, and reboot to see if that fixes anything. Otherwise, it either sounds like a configuration issue in the registry, or a program/service conflicting with the CD drivers.

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