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April 21st, 2004 03:00

E7K60 is not that silent..

heyz ppl,

i have been test driving my hard disk for 6 days and i've found no problem with the performance whatsoever. however, i do have a problem with the acoustics of the drive. i've already turned on the VCM function using the feature tool from hitachi. and my drive is set to silent seek mode (the most silent setting). however, during normal operation, it will still have occasional fork-grinding noise and plus sometimes, you can hear the drive whirring. i did a test using the drive fitness test (did both standard and extended tests) and it returned no error. so firstly, is this drive supposed to work with no sound? and will i be eligible for an exchange of the drive since there's no error..

2.2K Posts

April 21st, 2004 09:00

There will always be some noise.... so if its not major then I suggest that its fine. In my case I hardly hear anything at all, but I have the normal 7K60 not the E7K60 model (by the way, you do know that the E7K60 is designed for 24/7 use in blade servers or the like don't you?).


454 Posts

April 21st, 2004 14:00

oh i see.. i was hoping for something totally silent you see, ah well..

and ya i know it's for 24/7 usage, cause i was thinking since i use my computer for downloads a lot and i often leave it on till like two days later, so i thought buying the e7k60 will be better since my drive won't be so stressed.. does the e7k60 have any downsides?

95 Posts

April 21st, 2004 21:00

I just recvd my 8600 with the Hitachi 60GB/7200 HDD. It does make a spinning noise which is quite audible at when all around is silent. It is a wind type od noise. Is this normal ? 

507 Posts

April 22nd, 2004 09:00

The e7K60 has a few downsides yes. It has no power savinbg mechanisms and thus always uses full power even when not needed.

Also accoustic management is standard dissabled causing the drive to be way louder than the standard 7k60. This however can be enabled by the hitachi hdd tool.

Generally you only need 24/7 drives when leaving the drive on for more than a week without interuption. The standard 7K60 is perfectly suited to be used for several days continiously as well

95 Posts

April 22nd, 2004 15:00

I dont have floppy drive on my 8600, is there any other way to use this tool ?

623 Posts

April 22nd, 2004 19:00

@MightyMack wrote:

I dont have floppy drive on my 8600, is there any other way to use this tool ?

If you have access to a USB Flash drive:

For a zipped .iso you can burn into a bootable CD:

For either, look under IBM folder for FTOOL.EXE.  i.e. cd/ibm then ftool.

95 Posts

April 22nd, 2004 20:00


If you have access to a USB Flash drive:

For a zipped .iso you can burn into a bootable CD:

For either, look under IBM folder for FTOOL.EXE.  i.e. cd/ibm then ftool.



I couldnt find the IBM folder nor the FTOOL.exe. Could you please elaborate ?

623 Posts

April 22nd, 2004 20:00

For a flash drive, execute the delldiag file in order to make the USB drive bootable. has to be extracted then burned to CD.  Either of these can be used to boot into DOS from which Hitachi's FTOOL.EXE can be accessed.  Just hit F12 during boot up to select the one time boot menu, then select you DOS bootable medium type.

454 Posts

April 23rd, 2004 01:00

yeap that's another alternative too =)

454 Posts

April 23rd, 2004 01:00

the thing about the "feature tool" (downloaded from hitachi support website) is that it will only allow itself to be run if you have a floppy drive... so what i'd suggest you to do if you don't want to get a fdd, is to download a virtual floppy disk, think it's called vmware or something.. it works in the same as way a virtual cdrom drive, such as daemon. a virtual fdd is a program that makes your computer think it has a fdd.. and configure the software properly, after which you run the feature tool program and copy it to your virtual fdd, and then from there copy it to your bootable usb key. to make your usb bootable, download the latest driver from dell site, and the program has its options to make your key bootable.

2.6K Posts

April 23rd, 2004 01:00

The Ultimate BootCD has this utility....

April 24th, 2004 01:00


i also have the e7k60 , and I beg to differ....

compared to the Toshiba i had before, it has been really quiet..

I use Intel Application accelerator , and it claims the acoustic management is off.

the only time i hear any sort of noise is when it goes into standby mode; i was thinking it was the fans, but I will monitor the drive a bit more, considering what you're saying..

454 Posts

April 24th, 2004 04:00


i think you should use the hitachi feature tool, instead of the intel application accelerator, because if as what you said, that the drive is already so quiet before you turn on the acoustic management tool, then when you turn it on, it'll be super quiet!!

unfortunately, mine is not as silent as that, has this occasional fork grinding noise..

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