This post is more than 5 years old
42 Posts
250K SAPS; so about ~110K IOPS....VNX or VMAX?
I know you probably need more info; and you are correct but just high level.... for a production environment with 250K SAPS (ECC, SCM, BOBJ, BW/BI, etc...). Based on number of SAPS and applying some rule of thumb (0.4~0.5 IOPS per SAPS I am roughly thinking about 110K IOPS.... would that be a VNX 7500, VMAX,?
Again; I know you are going to ask for more info; but remember this is just first pass.. (okay I admit I am in Sales )
126 Posts
September 8th, 2011 08:00
Looking at this using 250000 SAPS and 250 GB for Data base size and using the following VNX array configuration
EFD drives 200GB at Raid 5 (4+1)
SAS Drives 600 GB at Raid 5 (4+1)
NL-SAS drives 2TB at Raid 6(6+2)
The total drive count need for only the production will be 1647 Drives (Combination of EFD,SAS and NL SAS) that will bring you pass the VNX 7500 drive capacity. But I would recommend that you engage the SAP sizing team to better look at this. we will need more information but at least it will be more accurate than this raw estimate.
20 Posts
September 8th, 2011 09:00
While the aboves makes for an interesting discussion, we must take care to not leave a misleading impression that X number of SAPS equals to Y number of IOPS, because there are a quite a few more OTHER factors that come into play when EMC sizes our storage platforms for our SAP customers.
In fact, there is an entire sizing process along with a sizing tool that Bill uses (this tool is available only to members of the Solutions Design Center) which will allow for a far more accurate calculation of IOPS, number of drives, & overall storage design including multiple tiers, since the design would be customized to that particular customer's SAP environment, usage pattern, and data growth projection.
SAP storage sizing has been a major differentiator for EMC and has allowed us to win a lot of business, so if you have an actual customer opportunity, work with Mike Vecchione's Solutions Design Center team (Bill is a member of that team) to do the sizing correctly.
42 Posts
September 8th, 2011 12:00
William, Tim - thanks for the feedback and guidance. I will definitely engage witht the team to hash this out! Thanks!!!