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This post is more than 5 years old


September 22nd, 2011 13:00

Automatic Journal Provisioning

I decided to try out the automatic journal provisioning, wherein RP automatically creates RAID groups and journal volumes when adding a CG. It created the RAID groups and journal volumes ok, but there was an error applying the settings and it would not finish creating the CG. Figured there was some bug. So, I deleted the auto-created journal volumes, and created some manually. I can now successfully create a CG, manually selecting my journal volumes, but now there are warnings in the GUI about my journal volumes being bound to a RAID group dedicated for automatic journal provisioning. Any way to disable the automatic journal provisioning feature, or at least disable the warnings? Would deleting the RAID groups do it? The system is RP/SE 3.4SP1P1, CRR between a CX4 and a VNX.

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

Here it is. Specific identifiers removed.

WARNING: The LUN has been bound to a RAID group dedicated for automatic journal provisioning. For best replication performance, please unbind ; ;

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

The error when first creating the CG? Something about not being able to apply site settings. The event log shows Event ID 1007, Summary: Settings change failed. It lists the group settings in the event description, but no details on why it failed. I successfully created the CG again using exactly the same settings, except for manually choosing the journal volumes.

1K Posts

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

Sorry, meant to say: can you send the exact warning that you see for "journal volumes being bound to a RAID group dedicated for automatic journal provisioning"

1K Posts

September 22nd, 2011 13:00

Can you attach the exact error message?

1K Posts

September 22nd, 2011 14:00

Ah ok, I thought you weren't using it for journals.

That's a good question. I don't know. Hopefully someone from EMC RP can help.

September 22nd, 2011 14:00

I am using that raid group for journals. Journal LUNs are the only thing on it. RP just doesn't like that I created the journal LUNs on it myself, rather than letting RP create them. Maybe I do need to destroy the raid groups and re-create them with different raid group numbers. But then, will I have to remember not to re-use those raid group numbers in the future?

1K Posts

September 22nd, 2011 14:00

I think that the reason why you are getting that warning is because you used the same raid group number for your LUN that RP created for journals. Now RP thinks that you are sharing the same raid group for production and journal luns. I don't know if there is a fix for it and I searched the knowledgebase but didn't find anything. Maybe someone else knows if there's a fix.

If there isn't maybe you can use that raid group for journals and bind the production luns on another raid group. I think that this is just a matter of the raid group number/name.

September 23rd, 2011 08:00

Ok, I figured out how to suppress the warnings. Setting the config_warnings_display setting to "partial" took care of it. The CLI reference guide just says this sets "Whether to suppress the display of certain warnings." Can anybody provide a list of these "certain warnings"?

13 Posts

January 16th, 2014 12:00

hey :-)

i know it's a darn old discussion, but maybe this reaches anybody.

i have the exact same issue and can't manage to get rid of these warnings. EMC support can't help, they want me to set some event filters, but i don't even have an event ID for these bloody "you are evil b/c you used manually created LUNs for journalling, and even though i urged you to do so b/c automatic provisioning didn't work, i'm insulted that you did" messages.

i also did the config_warnings_display thingy, but these warnings are still there. i even logged on as security admin and erased the logs, didn't help.

HELP ME this drives me crazy!

13 Posts

January 28th, 2014 22:00

Finally i got rid of the warnings. I applied a very cryptic script that i got from RP-Engineering on the RPA Console under "Setup", "Advanced stuff", "run internal script". The config_warnings_Display Switch didn't work with me.

I can provide the script (just copy & paste it to all consoles and reboot RPAs) if needed.



February 3rd, 2014 03:00

Hi Wheintel

Can you please provide the script?


13 Posts

February 3rd, 2014 05:00

There we go (just copied and pasted from the regarding E-Mail from EMC Support):

We found a script from engineering for another related case to suppress the warnings:

ZmEwNGY4OTY1NzRlMjQxM2EzNDRmNDM1ZmQxNzRjYmUKdW5saW1pdGVkCm5vdF9yZXN0cmljdGVk ClRoZSBpZCBvZiB0aGUgc2NyaXB0IGlzOjMwODk3CkhpZGUgYXV0b21hdGljIGpvdXJuYWwgcHJv dmlzaW9uaW5nIGVycm9yClN6eW1hbnNraQojIS9iaW4vc2gKc2VkIC1pLmJhayBzLyd0X25hdmlG YWNlc2VEaXNhYmxlV2FybmluZ3NTZXQgPSBzZXQ8R2VuZXJpY1dhcm5pbmdJRD4gKCkgIyBlbXB0 eSBieSBkZWZhdWx0IGNvdWxkIGJlIGZpbGxlZCBieSBhIHNpZ24gc2NyaXB0IGdpdmVuIHRvIHRo ZSB1c2VycycvJ3RfbmF2aUZhY2VzZURpc2FibGVXYXJuaW5nc1NldCA9IHNldDxHZW5lcmljV2Fy bmluZ0lEPihbV2FybklEX1JQU0VfTk9UX0FfSk9VUk5BTF0pJy8gL2hvbWUva29zL2tib3gvc3Jj L2luaXRpYWxpemF0aW9uL3R3ZWFrX3BhcmFtcy90d2Vhay5wYXJhbXMuY29udHJvbApncmVwIHRf bmF2aUZhY2VzZURpc2FibGVXYXJuaW5nc1NldCAgL2hvbWUva29zL2tib3gvc3JjL2luaXRpYWxp emF0aW9uL3R3ZWFrX3BhcmFtcy8qCmV4aXQK #

Login as boxmgmt and apply the tweak above including the # sign at the end. Once you’ve applied the script you’ll need to reboot the RPA for the script to take effect. Apply this on all of the RPAs in your environment.

That's it.

February 3rd, 2014 08:00

Since starting this thread, I've been avoiding auto journal provisioning altogether - never enable it in the first place. But thanks for the script! Any idea to which RP versions this may be applied?

13 Posts

February 4th, 2014 11:00

Hey ;-)

Answer from the supporter that i got the script from:

"The previous client it was for they were running 3.5 SP1 and you are running 4.0.2 so I would say for 3.5 and up. They could try for lower versions but it hasn't been documented if it works or not for 3.4 and below."

Cheers, W.

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