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This post is more than 5 years old


August 14th, 2009 19:00

Word 2003 copy issues

Hello all,

I have a Dell Dimension 8400, with Windows XP, and Office Professional Edition 2003. I use Word 2003 extensively. However, today I encountered a problem I have never seen before. I was working in a Word file with the Clipboard viewer visible. I also had my Internet browser open, as I had been copying material from an online source to the Word file.

All of a sudden, Word started copying the Internet page I had been on -- by itself -- repeatedly, so that the Clipboard filled and refilled.

I was able to save my Word file and exit out of Word. Then I shut down, restarted, and ran my virus program (Trend Micro Internet Security), and Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware. I also ran Advanced System Care. None of these programs found any problems. I began using Word again, and again the problem happened.

I am thinking seriously of uninstalling Word and reinstalling, but I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have as to what is causing this issue, and what I should do to prevent it. It is very disruptive to my work.


9 Legend


33.3K Posts

August 15th, 2009 07:00

I have Office 2003 Professional and never encountered that with Word.  Before you uninstall/reinstall, try the Detect and Repair procedure (in the Help dropdown menu).

But, it may not be a Word problem, but the clipboard or your interent browser.  Are you using I.E. or some other browser?  If you are not using I.E., try it with I.E. and see if you have the problem.  If it is I.E., update to the latest V8 if you don't have that now.

20 Posts

August 15th, 2009 09:00

Hi fireberd,

Thank you for the suggestion. I just used the Detect & Repair feature. We'll see if that takes care of the problem.

I use Firefox rather than IE.

The Clipboard I mentioned is actually a feature of Word. Because I copy the same or similar text a lot, I use the Clipboard so I can have that text available to me in Word.

I will let you know if the Detect/Repair feature worked.

Thanks again!


20 Posts

August 15th, 2009 13:00

So far so good.

I noted that the first time I tried to copy something, I could see visible in the Clipboard window a copy of the Internet page that I performed the copy from, as well as a second entry with just the language I was copying.

Before doing the Detect/Repair function, the Internet page would copy over and over, making it impossible for me to do anything else. This time, the Internet page copied only once, and I was able to delete it from the Clipboard window, and keep working.



9 Legend


33.3K Posts

August 16th, 2009 06:00

So far, it sounds like the Detect and Repair fixed it and you won't have to completely reinstall office. 

Thanks for the feedback.

20 Posts

August 17th, 2009 14:00

Unfortunately, the problem has recurred.

This time, the Office Clipboard did not copy the web page over and over, but it would not let me paste anything into Word other than the image of the web page where I last performed the copy function.

So I guess I am back to square one. If anyone has other suggestions about what may be causing this issue with the Office Word 2003 clipboard, and what to do about it, I would appreciate your feedback.


---An Update:--

I again tried the Repair/Detect function, but the problem recurred with a vengeance when I next restarted Word. When I open Clipboard in Word, and try to copy something (this time a phrase already in my Word doc), Clipboard repeatedly copies a screen shot of the screen wherre the language was. When this happens, I cannot do anything else in the Word doc.

I have looked on Word 2003 Microsoft support site and have not been able to find anything on this. To get help from Microsoft I would have to pay at least $50 for 24-hour email help.

20 Posts

August 17th, 2009 19:00

Hi Ron,

Thanks so much for the suggestion. Pardon my ignorance, but what is the file, and why do you believe that deleting it will fix this Clipboard problem I am having?

Many thanks for your time,


10 Elder


44.5K Posts

August 17th, 2009 19:00

Exit Word and then search the hard drive for Include hidden and system files in your search. Delete all copies of that you find. Next time you launch Word, it'll create a new copy of See if that solves the problem.

Of course, if you've made lots of personalized changes to the template, they'll all be lost and you'll be back to a generic template which you'll have to customize again.

If you do make lots of personal changes to the normal template, be sure to save an extra copy of with a different file name or on external media. I call my backup "". So when gets corrupted again -and it will- I just delete the old version and make a copy of with the file name Takes a few seconds and I'm back to work.

Hope this helps.


10 Elder


44.5K Posts

August 18th, 2009 09:00 is the template that contains all the settings used by Word when you open a new (blank) document. It sets the default font, margins, tab spacing, toolbars etc etc. So every blank doc you start opens with exactly the same format.

For whatever reasons, gets corrupted fairly frequently (thank you Microsoft!). Though you may not notice obvious signs of corruption when you open a blank doc, strange and mysterious things start to happen and some functions may not work, or not work correctly.  If copy/paste work correctly elsewhere, aside from Word,  that's a reasonable sign that is corrupted.

So the first thing to do when Word acts up is to delete I can't promise this will fix your specific problem, but it's a simple and harmless thing to try. The only thing you have to remember is to delete all copies of on your hard drive. If Word finds any existing copy (corrupted or not) it will use it and the problem won't go away. If it doesn't find, it will automatically create a new copy with all the default settings that are built into Word.


20 Posts

August 18th, 2009 09:00

Hi Ron,

Thanks so much for explaining. Yes, thank you Microsoft, to say it nicely! Can't live with them, can't live without them (unfortunately).

I will definitely try this, and hope that it takes care of both the copying issue, and an issue I have begun having with the spell-checker, where the option to correct a misspelled word is mysteriously grayed out and is therefore unavailable.

Best regards and thanks again,


10 Elder


44.5K Posts

August 18th, 2009 10:00


You're quite welcome. Please post back and let us know if deleting fixes the problem.


20 Posts

August 18th, 2009 11:00

Hello Ron and all,

Unfortunately, deleting did not work. Nor did uninstalling and reinstalling Office Pro 2003. I tried both, and after a few minutes, the problem with run-amok copying of screen shots in Word recurred.

This is really a pain in the you-know-what! I am trying to post this issue on the Microsoft Discussion Group site, but the question function is not working (if you can believe that). I get a message to "try back later."

Again, any suggestions?




20 Posts

August 18th, 2009 14:00

Hi again,

Thank you for that suggestion, Ron.

Unfortunately, I tried it, and the problem recurred. Now it is doing it ebven when I don't open Clipboard.

I'm starting to feel like my computer is possessed.

I was finally able to post a message on the Microsoft Word Discussion Group, but no one has responded so far.

I really appreciate the response here, and will continue to hope for suggestions that might work.

Many thanks to all,



10 Elder


44.5K Posts

August 18th, 2009 14:00

Bummer - that would have been too easy... :emotion-3:

Have you scanned for malware lately?

Let's try this:

Open Add/Remove Programs control panel

Click Add/Remove Windows Components button on left edge of the window.

Double-click Accessories and Utilties

Double-click Accessories

Uncheck Clipboard Viewer

Click OK back to the desktop

When it's done, reboot

Now go back to that same screen and re-check Clipboard Viewer

Have your XP CD handy because it may ask for it.

That should remove and reinstall the clipbard viewer and hopefully fix the problem.




10 Elder


44.5K Posts

August 18th, 2009 17:00

Starting to sound  like malware infection...

Suggest you go to the Malware Removal forum for assistance. Click and read "Please Read This Before Posting For Malware Removal Help" for instructions and then start a new thread. Be sure to mention the symptoms and everything you've tried to fix the problem (eg, Detect/Repair, delete, reinstall clipboard viewer, etc).

The experts over there will walk you through various tests to see if your system is infected, and then help you remove anything that turns up. They're very good at what they do, so I'm sure they'll find everything that might be lurking. And when they're sure the system is clean, we can think about other things to try, assuming the cleaned system is still having the problem.


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