
This post is more than 5 years old

131 Posts


December 27th, 2004 18:00

Print postcard in word

I'm trying to print some postcards.  I have the copy in Word -- it should print with the width at 5 inches, but it won't.  It prints sideways, and only part of the copy prints. I've tried putting it in a box and rotating it, also portrait vs landscape, no luck.  I'm sure it's something simple that I can't figure out.  I've tried it on both my Epson and Lexmark printers.  Many thanks,

9 Legend


33.4K Posts

December 27th, 2004 22:00

Did you set the "Page Setup" for the cards?  In MS Word, Click File then "Page Setup" and you can select orientation and then click the Paper tab to select the postcard size (or custom size).

131 Posts

December 27th, 2004 22:00

Yeah, I did do that, but when I set the orintation, it changed the type all around -- didn't keep it in the same format that fits fine on a 2 x 5 card.  I'm baffled.  It should work!

2 Intern


2.7K Posts

January 1st, 2005 22:00

peggylenox, I am not sure how you are going about making your postcards but you might want to try this. In Word go to Tools>Letters and Mailings>Envelopes and Labels>options. Select a Label Product such as Avery Standard >and scroll through the product numbers until you find one that says postcard. You can then click on Details and adjust sizes. There will several different Label Products so you can check others out to find one that is right for you.
