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Powerpath/VE Load Balancing verification
I'm evaluating Powerpath/VE on our ESXi 4.1 host. I'm looking for a tool or command that can verify load balancing across the two adapters. Does anyone know how I can verify that both adapters are used equally?
52 Posts
February 1st, 2012 11:00
Hi! There are a couple of things I use to monitor my PowerPath environment.
2. I run the rpowermt command to display the performance of HBA’s. The PowerPath/VE for VMware Install and Admin Guide on installing this CLI (RTOOLS contains the CLI) and how to use the command.
hostIPaddress = the PowerPath/VE ESX host
This will display the I/O every 2 seconds for the HBA’s that are being utilized
3. I log into my Brocade switches, and bring up a Performance Monitor menu option to view all the ports and the throughput.