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December 5th, 2013 11:00

Migrating to EMC powerpath from Linux DM

Is migrating the multipath to EMC powerpath from Linux Device Mapper is a disruptive or non-disruptive process??

Is there any document which gives the instructions on doing that?


December 5th, 2013 13:00

Hi sanpad,

PowerPath-for-Linux-5.7-and-Minor-Releases-Installation-and-Administration-Guide (attached) describes the process in page 42:

1. Blacklist all devices in /etc/multipath.conf

    a. Save a copy of /etc/multipath.conf as /etc/multipath.conf.bak for backup if it already exists.

    b. Edit /etc/multipath.conf so that it contains only the following lines:

          blacklist {

              devnode "*"


2. Ensure dm-multipath does not start automatically at boot.

    # chkconfig multipathd off

    # chkconfig --list multipathd -- - -Service should be off on all run levels

3. Recreate initramfs so that dm-multipath is excluded from initramfs.

    # dracut /boot/initramfs-wo-DM-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)

4. Add a new boot entry with the initramfs file created in previous step in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file.

5. Reboot the host with the new initramfs image and ensure dm-multipath does not have any devices configured.

    # multipath -ll --- should not return any dm devices

As you can see, removing dm-mpio requires rebooting the host. PowerPath installation doesn't require any reboot.


Javier Soriano

PowerPath Corporate Systems Engineer

1 Attachment

9 Posts

December 9th, 2013 14:00

Thank You Javier!!

2 Posts

March 5th, 2014 23:00


Could you help for upgrading from 5.5 to latest 5.X version. We are using 5.6 b143. Do we need to upgrade the PowerPath version also? Thanks a lot.



2 Posts

March 9th, 2014 20:00

Hi Amit Saha,

I have checked but the document doesn't include any compatibility information. We want to make sure no upgrade and configuration is needed after the kernel is updated.



306 Posts

July 14th, 2016 23:00


You might need to try the procedue described in the PowerPath Installation Guide - boot the system with single (boot) LUN masked only, make sure it's visible down one path - then reconfigure LVM/fstab to use the physical device instead of /dev/mapper, then follow rest of the instructions in order to disable DM-MPIO and install PP.

Hope that helps!


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