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May 16th, 2012 12:00

Can not install Powerpath 5.5 P01 on Win08R2

When I try to install PP 5.5 P01, it fails with an MPIO error. PP 5.5 core install worked, just not the patch. I get :

"EMC MPIO For Windows Driver Installer has stopped working"

Has anyone else seen this?


89 Posts

May 16th, 2012 13:00


I don't see that error documented in the knowledge base or release notes so a few quick suggestions:

  1. Reboot and try again.
  2. Use the uninstall process described in emc216405 and then reinstall both PowerPath and then it's patch P01.
  3. Bypass P01 and upgrade to 5.5 SP1 instead.
  4. Open a case with support.  Provide a screen shot of the error and a grab using version 40 of EMCReports found here

309 Posts

May 17th, 2012 08:00

Oops. I forgot to run the exe as Administrator.  Thanks.

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