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1 Rookie


1 Message


April 17th, 2024 03:10

dell PE T320

The vga on my PE T320 board 
had a problem, so I bought
a PCI-Express vga from the
Asus GeForce GT 710 2gb brand.
Only when I turn on the PE,
the monitor is dark.Any input?Thank You.



3.2K Posts

April 17th, 2024 13:24



Here are a few suggestions that may help resolve the issue:

  1. Check the BIOS settings: Ensure that the PCIe slot you installed the GT 710 card in is enabled and set to the correct mode (x16, x8, etc.) in the BIOS settings.
  2. Update BIOS and drivers: Update the T320's BIOS to the latest version available from Dell's website. Also, ensure you have the latest graphics drivers installed for the GT 710 card.
  3. Try a different graphics card: Some users have reported success with other graphics cards like the ZOTAC GeForce GT 710 2GB or older NVIDIA Quadro cards on the T320. The compatibility issues seem to vary between different graphics card models.
  4. Check power supply: Ensure that the T320's power supply can provide sufficient power to the new graphics card. Inadequate power can cause display issues.
  5. Check cable connections: Verify that the monitor cable is properly connected to the graphics card and that the cable itself is not defective.



If none of these suggestions work, consider using the integrated graphics on the T320's motherboard or explore other graphics card options that are confirmed to be compatible with this specific server model. Compatibility can be a challenge with older server models like the T320.


The technical guide for the T320 does not list the GeForce GT 710 as a supported graphics card option.



The recommended graphics cards for the T320 are either the integrated graphics on the motherboard or older NVIDIA Quadro cards that have been validated to work with this server model.


1 Rookie


40 Posts

April 18th, 2024 18:55

Not sure but after installing your discrete Nvidia geforce xxx graphics card turn on the server and  try to disable while in the BIOS   the integrated on board graphics adapter, turn off the server and turn on again  and wait  the usual amount of  time you usually wait when using exclusively the onboard VGA adapter for the booting process to be finish and the server usually is already with OS , obviously this suggestion is valid in case you are still able to reach the BIOS when turning on the server


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