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1 Rookie


21 Posts


September 26th, 2020 07:00

Alert! iDRAC not responding, rebooting


After installing VMWare OpenManage_Integration 5.1.0, on VMWare 7.0, I tried to update iDRAC firmware. After the console stuck for more than an hour, I restarted my R720.
Since this time, the iDRAC do not seems to respond. I have many error message at boot.

On POST, I can see on top right "Lifecycle Controller Disabled" also having this error message :"Alert! idrac not responding rebooting" 

... And reboot

At this reboot, After memory check, the server reboot and continue tells me iDRAC have a problem, but, at least boot.

After BIOS and RAID check, I have an error "Warning! iDRAC initialisation error"
But I can strike F1 to continue or F2 to run system setup program
- If I hit F2, in BIOS option, under iDRAC Setting, I have: "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed."
- If I hit F1, the boot sequence continue and complain again about iDRAC "SWC0700: iDRAC is not ready. The configuration values cannot be accessed."
but if I press F1, the real boot continue.

VMWare is able to boot.
But iDRAC is unacessible, (even no MAC address from switch) and fans never stop, running at ... medium level.

Seems to be iDRAC issue. How can I reinitialise/repair this iDRAC problem ?

Many Thanks,IMG_20200924_214838.jpg










3.4K Posts

September 27th, 2020 20:00



Is the iDRAC still pingable? If yes, try using SSH into the iDRAC IP and do a reset. Here the article:


By the way, just to inform you that R720, is only able to support up to VMWare 6.0:


Let me know the outcome.

5 Posts

December 2nd, 2020 06:00


У меня аналогичная проблема.

Не могу зайти на iDRAC.

Прошу вас помочь мне решить проблему.

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

December 2nd, 2020 07:00

This is an English board and I need to use a translation tool to translate your question. Unfortunately, we do not have Russian support page. If you're comfortable to continue the conversation in English, I'd be glad to assist you. 
What server do you have? What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? Do you know if there were any sort of unexpected shutdowns prior to seeing this message?


Это доска на английском языке, и мне нужно использовать инструмент для перевода, чтобы перевести ваш вопрос. К сожалению, у нас нет страницы поддержки на русском языке. Если вам удобно продолжать разговор на английском, я буду рад вам помочь.

Какой у вас сервер? Какие шаги по устранению неполадок вы уже предприняли? Знаете ли вы, были ли какие-либо неожиданные отключения до появления этого сообщения?

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

December 2nd, 2020 09:00

The only resolution would be to replace the motherboard then. The iDRAC is integrated into it. If power draining, firmware flashing, or the SD card recovery did not work, I would recommend replacing the motherboard.

5 Posts

December 2nd, 2020 09:00


I have Dell poweredge R720


tried all dell recommendations



5 Posts

December 2nd, 2020 10:00

maybe I'm doing something wrong. how can i restore sd card. however, it should be noted that my server does not have an sd card, it has an idrac built into the board

4 Operator


2.9K Posts

December 2nd, 2020 10:00


This is the rear of an R720. All iDRAC7s are built into the motherboard. The only piece that isn't is the ethernet access port. Number 13 is the vFlash connector that the iDRAC would use. Linked below is an article for recovering using vFlash and the firmimg file.

5 Posts

December 2nd, 2020 19:00

where can i get firmimg.d7



2.5K Posts

December 2nd, 2020 22:00

Hi, you can reach the .d7 file as extracted file firmimg.d7 from iDRAC ".exe" file It will contain the release notes and a .d7 file. I'm adding an article link might be useful



2.5K Posts

December 4th, 2020 05:00

If you can reach the system setup via "F2" you can check as below steps;
To enable access to Lifecycle Controller during system startup:
  1. Press   during POST. The System Setup Main Menu page is displayed.
  2. Select iDRAC Settings . The iDRAC Settings page is displayed.
  3. Select Lifecycle Controller .
  4. Under Lifecycle Controller , select Enabled .
  5. On the System Setup Main Menu page, select Finish to save the settings.
  6. Select Yes to restart the system.

5 Posts

December 4th, 2020 05:00

I did everything according to the instructions and didn’t get the desired result.
when the server boots, a message appears that the lifecycle controller is disabled.
the question is: how can I enable the lifecycle controller?

June 11th, 2022 18:00

Resurrecting an old thread because I have almost the exact same issue.

I have a T320 (that, of course, dropped out of coverage in 19). While reinstalling the OS recently, I ran the "T320 drivers for OS deployment" off the support page for my service tag.

The machine rebooted after the app ran, and ever since then, I get the exact same screens as above about the LCC being disabled and iDrac failing to initialize.

I've done the flea power drain multiple times, the BIOS tells me the version of the iDrac firmware, but that is it, so no going into there and re-enabling the LCC.

Did the official driver deployment bundle brick my board?



4.1K Posts

June 12th, 2022 16:00

Hi, I'm with you. Most likely you'll need that motherboard replaced.

3 Posts

July 19th, 2022 20:00

I have the same exact problem, however after the reboot my system no longer posts. The fans sound normal and the monitor has a signal but blank screen and after a couple of minutes the fans rev up to max and never come back down nor does the system ever post.



3.4K Posts

July 20th, 2022 00:00

Hello @Bonze82,


It sounds like faulty mainboard. Have you already tried power release method on the server?


If draining power doesn't help resolve the issue, try minimal POST components. Unfortunately, I'm unsure of your server model, we're not able to provide more info on minimal POST components. 

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