1 Rookie
25 Posts
March 26th, 2020 01:00
Optiplex 3020 tower
Hi all,
firstly, I hope everyone is ok and doing fine at this moment in time!
I thinking about getting cheap 3020 tower,and it comes with a i3 processor and I would like to upgrade for gaming,so what CPU is compatible please?
Here is the listing information!
Windows 10 Professional, activated
i3 processor running at 3.40 GHz
4 GB RAM and 500 GB Hard Drive.
Thanks jag
9 Legend
9 Legend
33.4K Posts
March 26th, 2020 03:00
Best advice I can give, if you want a "gaming PC", don't buy the 3020. Dell's are notoriously noted for poor upgradeability and proprietary components.
2 Intern
2 Intern
2.5K Posts
March 26th, 2020 08:00
do not read posts by those with no such PC nor ever tried it, nor upgraded it. ON 3020MT.
THE 9020mt IS BETTER more ram, my 3020mt has be tested with 20 modern GPU and has top brand corsair 750watt PSU loaded with the SUPER expensive $7 ATX adapter seen in link above.
and the 9000 others how did so too. seen here.( study this carefully)
not only what GPU runs (i7-4790 does too) . see?????????
dell has no i7 support lists, nor tests. but who needs that? not anyone. BIOS upgraded for sure.
The 3020 is haswell grade gen4., and nothing bad on Gen4 CPU, not really, i7-4xxx ,
the limits are 95 watt heat sink i guess. I upgraded my HS to tells higher rated one.
9 Legend
9 Legend
47K Posts
March 26th, 2020 12:00
3020 would work but its crippled 7020 or 9020 is a better option.
If you want to game I would recommend GT1030 video card.
If you intend to keep it a long time only buy TOWER models so that replacement power supplies fit in the case.
The card below fits and works in All 3020 EXCEPT USFF and Micro.