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This post is more than 5 years old


March 4th, 2014 03:00

Unable to use vCenter plugin due to error: "Failed to get iDRAC IP for host xxxxxxx"

I have a cluster of 23 M620 hosts with ESXi 5.5 (all latest patches), OMSA VIB and vCenter Plugin But I am no able to do any discovery or anything with it since it fails on discovery with the error: "Failed to get iDRAC IP for host xxxxxxx". Not able to set CSIOR or anything.

Any tips?

BIOS: 2.1.6, iDRAC7Enterprise: 1.51.52

March 20th, 2014 06:00



Apologies for the delay in response.  If you haven't already, I'd strongly recommend you engage support on the issue you're encountering.  To try and dive into the issue, it'll take log collections, which is beyond the scope of the forum.




April 3rd, 2014 12:00

No. Haven't had time to contact support yet.

April 3rd, 2014 12:00

Chrisboroslo, were you able to get a resolution from support with your case?  I have an open case but have not had any luck getting a reolustion to the "Failed to get IDRAC..." errors.  My hosts are M620 as well, connections work with older M610 but no dice on all 28 of our M620s.


2 Posts

April 4th, 2014 05:00

Changing the iDRAC NIC Selection setting from Shared to Dedicated did resolve the issue for one host having the same issue here

April 4th, 2014 05:00

No option for that in iDRAC 7 Enterprise on my M620s. They are all on dedicated NICs on seperat management VLAN. Tried chaning the OS to iDRAC pass through settings also. All three options, no go.

I have also updated to OMSA 7.4.0, 2.2.7 BIOS, iDRAC7 1.56.55 and so on...still no go.

April 4th, 2014 13:00


My setup (idrac on different mgmt vlan) is the same as yours and we have tried everything you have mentioned.  As a test, the guys from Dell support had me change the IP address of the iDRAC to the same VLAN as the HOST and it worked.  The M620 passed both the iDRAC and HOST test connections.  I switched the iDRAC back to the mgmt vlan and it failed again.  If possible, it would be interesting if you could try the same thing and see if it works for you too. 


April 5th, 2014 03:00

Not possible for me to change VLANs due to internal policy. I have an old installation of this with M610s and other hardware and that works with the same network setup (not v2.0 of the Openmanage software).

So it is possible. Dell just have to fix the problem in their software! Dell fix it!!

1 Message

September 17th, 2014 10:00

We use the emulex vCenter plugin for updating firmware which requires loading an emulex vib on the ESX hosts.  We've found that when that vib is installed we get this same error and cannot inventory the hosts.  Removing the emulex vib resolves the issue.

13 Posts

July 7th, 2015 13:00

When testing the connection profile I get: Could not contact iDRAC

I can successfully go to the URL of the iDRAC using the same creds and it works outside of the management center.  What gives?

July 7th, 2015 14:00

We had the same issue. Adding DNS settings on the iDrac solved the problem.

1 Message

July 8th, 2015 09:00

I have the same issue. "could not contact idrac".

I've upgraded the Drac 6 firmware to 1.98 and I still have the issue. Strange thing: it works on 1 server and I've compared the drac config. It's completely the same with the non working servers. Logging in to the DRAC IP works perfect. Powermanagement in Vcenter works too (I can put my server in standby mode and power them back on).

The servers with DRAC 7 have no issues.

Any resolution? 

4 Posts

July 21st, 2015 03:00

Hello KoenVB, 

can you tell me which server type you are using?

I have blades M610 and M620, where i have "could not contact idrac"

Can you also post the url where you got the firmware 1.98

I believe that was running the lastest version: 3.75

Hope to hear from you,

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