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March 18th, 2015 08:00

openmanage integration for vmware

Hi all, I'm new to this forum,

i have a question, is it possible for the OMIVV to have 2 nic interfaces, for some of our blades, Where the idrac is in an different VLAN then the management VLAN,

i hope this is possible

20 Posts

March 24th, 2015 05:00

Hello jfasioen,

OMIVV appliance comes with one NIC interface, and the plug-in's functionality will be impaired if this is changed. Hence you cannot add another NIC interface.

However, OMIVV can access and manage the iDRAC in the other VLAN, provided the network in which the appliance is connected and the other network where your blade's iDRAC is connected to,  has inter-connectivity.



4 Posts

March 24th, 2015 05:00

Thank you, Vikram

for replying to my post, 

in  our case we knowingly have different VLAN, to keep our test platform and our production platform seporate.

I wish that dell would give us the option to add an second nic, 

i will look in to your suggestion,

I will get back to you on this, 

Thanks again!

4 Posts

March 30th, 2015 04:00

I have discussed this with my network team, and will make the specific VLAN available for the OMIVV

Thanks again for your help!!

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