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3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts


September 7th, 2021 06:00

Avatar Disappeared From Most User Profiles (Sept 2021)

The avatar for most of the user profiles (including mine) disappeared from their badges about a week ago. When I go to Settings | Avatar in my user profile I see that my choices are now limited to:

Dell Community Profile Avatar Choices 07 Sep 2021.png

Is this a temporary glitch in the forum software, or are these the only profile avatars that are available to most users now?

I understand from Dell-BradL's 15-Jun-2021 post <here> that users who have reached Level 7 or have become a TechExpert are currently allowed to add a custom profile avatar.  If other users can only choose one of the above avatars now then perhaps the ability to upload a custom profile picture could be expanded to everyone so that posts from a given individual are easier to identify in the forum.

3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts

October 16th, 2021 13:00

I just noticed my old avatar has been reinstated and that users can select from different collections again (i.e., not just the "Characters" avatars) in their user profile.  Hope they're here to stay.

Dell Community Profile Avatars Back 16 Oct 2021.png

Does anyone know what rank you have to achieve in the Dell Community before you can upload a custom image to use as your avatar? @Dell-BradL's 15-Jun-2021 post <here> says you must reach Level 8, which I assumed was the equivalent of a Silver or higher ranking, but that can't be right if I currently have a rank of Zinc (i.e., two steps above Silver).

Community Manager


239 Posts

September 7th, 2021 09:00

This was in fact a change to the forums. The avatars which came out of the box with this platform are not User Accessibility friendly; our latest set of characters and badges (and forthcoming new ones ) are and will continue to be. Many thanks for your post!

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