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31 Posts


March 1st, 2024 21:04

Where can I find onie-installer-x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0.bin ?

I have a Dell S6100-ON I want to upgrade. I've downloaded the bin files for FTOS and ONIE from the support site. I've upgraded FTOS, and now want to upgrade ONIE. However, to upgrade ONIE, I apparently need onie-installer-x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0 (according to the release notes). I cannot find this file anywhere. Where can I get this file?

Alternatively, when I have downloaded ONIE-FTOS-S6100-ON- from the support site, how to I apply it to the switch (without the aforementioned installer)?



3.2K Posts

March 4th, 2024 04:15



I'm unsure of onie-installer-x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0, you can find onie-updater-x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0.3.25.1 in the zip file of Would you mind sharing which release note that you mentioned. 


You can refer to the release note of Dell System S6100–ON 9.14(2.21) to install ONIE-FTOS-S6100-ON-



March 22nd, 2024 12:41

Those were the release notes I was referring to.

If you refer page 8, you will see Step 7 states:

"Enter the following command to upgrade ONIE:ONIE:/ # onie-self-update tftp://<tftp-server–address>/ onie-updater-x86_64-s6100_c2538-r0."

where is the file "onie-updater-x86_64-s6100_c2538-r0" located? It isn't in the files for the S6100-ON. The only three files listed are the release notes PDF, a "FTOS-S6100-ON-" and "ONIE-FTOS-S6100-ON-"

Or, is this step unnecessary?

Where does one locate the latest ONIE and DIAG images? For example, the release notes indicate on page 11 there is an "diag-installer-x86_64-dell_s6100_c2538-r0." file, but this file appears nowhere in the downloads for the S6100 that I can find.



8.5K Posts

March 22nd, 2024 13:43

Mike Deignan,
The files you need for them are found below.

The diag is here

The image is here-

Now you will need to extract the files, but the updates needed are within. 
Let me know if this helps.
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