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July 30th, 2014 18:00

U2713HM Squares, distortion, backlight

Hi everyone. Thanks in advance for your help. U2713HM sudden screen problems -- squares and backlighting. As instructed in the monitor sticky, I have tried factory reset and built in diagnostics. Using the built in diagnostics I believe I have ruled out the PC, however just in case it is -- Windows 7, Asus GTX 780, and using a DVI-D cable.  It is a custom PC so no model number.
S/N: CN-0GKOKD-74445-313-656L
Running at default resolution - 2650x1440 @60hz . Photo below.  Background is set to white. 

A couple more things I should have mentioned. This happened while the PC was on. I turned it on, walked away and came back 15 min later to find it like this. Also, the brightness variation is real, it is not the camera. The right side is definitely a lot worse. This unit was purchased in March of 2013. It's on a high-end surge protector and wasn't banged around or anything. I've been very delicate with the unit. Its the most expensive part I own!

July 30th, 2014 20:00

Thanks -- so you are confirming that it is dead? Can you tell what is wrong from the photo?

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

July 30th, 2014 20:00

Good troubleshooting! Read this for exchange instructions.

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

July 31st, 2014 08:00

Yes, dead. No, the manufacturer will have to do failure analysis, not Dell.

August 1st, 2014 17:00

Thanks again.

I registered the service tag as you suggested, and received confirmation from Dell. 

When I click the support option affiliated with my registered product, the website will only direct me to the diagnositcs page.  When I click to chat or contact technical support regarding the warranty I end up in a never ending loop that never takes me to an option to chat or speak with anyone. It even told me that emailing someone isn't an option for my product.

Does this mean I have to wait 13 more days? Or is the site just designed to steer me away from the warranty information?

Community Manager


54.5K Posts

August 1st, 2014 22:00

It takes the full 15 business days for the warranty information to appear on the website and to get into our database.

1 Message

August 13th, 2014 03:00

Dear Chris,

I came into work this morning to find a similar issue with my DELL U2713HM monitor. Below are two pictures, the first one (left) while the monitor is connected to my mac and second one (right) just after being disconnected. The pictures show that the problem is still there even after the cable has been yanked from my mac so I believe this is a really a fault with the monitor and not my mac. The monitor was switch off during the night and the office was locked with no sign of the monitor in the exact same place I left it the day before so little chance the fault was caused accident/electrical surge.

This monitor was bought in the summer 2013 (in Switzerland), shall I just follow the same exchange procedure you recommended to the previous person?



Community Manager


54.5K Posts

August 13th, 2014 10:00

shall I just follow the same exchange procedure you recommended to the previous person?
* Correct.

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