1 Rookie


2 Posts


March 28th, 2020 21:00

U2419H, daisy chaining and KVM functionality?

Hi All,

I've recently found myself looking for a KVM solution and happened upon the information that the DELL U2419H happens to have built in functionality supporting exactly that.  My HOPE (and I fear it won't be the case) is that I can combo the MST function with the KVM function.... on the HDMI input.

Please tell me Dell has worked out some wizardy to pass the HDMI input to the DP downstream MST, pretty pretty please

Alternatively... If I were to utilize the U2419HC, which happens to have a USB-C / DisplayPort in and a standard DP in... could I split the KVM functionality and MST to additional monitors?

Oh please tell me one or both of these is the case.  This would absolutely solve so many problems.



Community Manager


55.8K Posts

March 29th, 2020 07:00

Any usage of HDMI in the chain will break the DP MST (multi-stream transport). This is shown in the U2419H User's Guide page 28 which specifically shows DP is in use on both the PC and the monitor. I also do not see the KVM USB Selection option in the U2419H Menu OSD.



Community Manager


55.8K Posts

April 1st, 2020 09:00

The U2419HC has the DP out port to utilize daisy chain via DP MST (multi-stream transport). But does not offer a built-in KVM USB Selection.

The only monitor I can think of that has the built-in KVM USB Selection is the U3818DW =


In theory that could work for three monitors; one on DP, two in MST DP daisy chain. The primary monitor must have a DP out port to connect to a slaved secondary monitor.


1 Rookie


2 Posts

March 31st, 2020 18:00

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply!  Does the U2419HC have KVM? Sorry I'm stuck on this model, we use the H variant at work and I thought I saw the HC version listed as having KVM. If this is not the case, please see below. What, if any, model would you recommend that might support the following scenario?

Dell 7400 2-in-1 with Thunderbolt out

Desktop with DisplayPort out

Single keyboard, mouse

3 Monitors

Both systems connected to a primary monitor which utilizes MST to pass the video signal to sequential monitors. Primary monitor has KVM functionality allowing for singular input devices and seamless swapping from system to system.

Would the primary monitor model need to match the second and third so long as they support MST?  IE - using a U2419HC(if it supports KVM) and then two U2419h models as second and third monitors?

My organization has begun a WFH directive and I have limited space in which to utilize two systems with multiple input devices(as it is I have a docking station sat on top of my desktop, with my work laptop on top of it).  I can mount monitors in all kinds of weird ways to make that work... need that many for work but typically would only have 1 at home.

First world problems.

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.

