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This post is more than 5 years old


April 10th, 2014 09:00

U2414H back light bleeding?

When I set the wallpaper to solid black, the back light is seen clearly and the screen doesn't a solid black. Is this normal?

Community Manager


55.6K Posts

April 10th, 2014 12:00


We validate our monitors in rooms with a minimum of 150 lux which is standard office lighting. Dell monitors do not have 100% backlight uniformity specification. As long as the center 3" circle (6" circle for 27" and larger monitors) meets our manufacturer specifications, it is acceptable.

4 Posts

April 11th, 2014 09:00


please take a look at 2 videos, dark room and normal room lighting

Normal lighting -

Dark room -

Community Manager


55.6K Posts

April 11th, 2014 21:00

The center looks good. If you purchased it directly from Dell, you have the option of returning it within the first 30 days for a refund. Since you have that option, Dell Technical Support for your country might offer you an exchange rather than a refund.

4 Posts

April 11th, 2014 22:00

This issue affects the view angle as well.

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