This post is more than 5 years old


1 Rookie


2 Posts


February 22nd, 2007 01:00

Monitor displays LOCK symbol

i have a dell 15 inch flat panel monitor and when even i press any button on it ... it displays a LOCK symbol???? i cant get rid of it and  will aprreciate anyone's help in getting rid of this lock.

Community Manager


55.9K Posts

February 22nd, 2007 11:00


All buttons can be locked or unlocked when the 'Menu' button is pushed and held for over 15 seconds.

Helpful video for finding Service Manuals:


Community Manager


55.9K Posts

February 22nd, 2007 02:00


What specific monitor model number?

1 Rookie


2 Posts

February 22nd, 2007 03:00

thank you.

1 Message

March 31st, 2015 15:00

Awesome job.

Thanks Chris, this also worked for my Dell 1908WFP

2 Posts

August 28th, 2019 22:00

I have a new Dell S2719HS (with speakers).  The  second time I attempted to change input from HDMI1 to HDMI2 the monitor displayed the padlock symbol.  No button was held for 15 seconds.  Further at this point holding the menu button or any other button for 15 sec. does not "unlock" the monitor -- i.e., remove the padlock icon.  Solution?  Also why did it lock in the first place?  Thanks.

2 Posts

August 29th, 2019 07:00

I finally got it to unlock by holding the first button to the left of the power button (far right) for 10 seconds.  I tried the same thing earlier to no avail.  From dozens of customers complaining about this problem why hasn't Dell addressed it in the support manuals for these monitors?  How many customer hours have been spent trying to resolve this matter?

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