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This post is more than 5 years old



April 5th, 2016 18:00

DELL U2414H - Black Screen Issues

Hi guys !

I just got a problem regarding my monitor that suddenly stopped working.

Yesterday when I turned the PC on my main monitor (I got dual screen) show me a full grey screen with some sort of pixels in different colors and after few seconds went black.

The second monitor, a DELL one too, just different model still working normally.

What happens Is the PC turns on normally, the monitors shows that there Is power coming through, but does not show ANY image( I can't even access the menus)

I started from the basics:

- Unplugged all the external cables, plugging back and restarting the computer a few times.

- Pull the main internal parts & cables inside the case apart and plug all back In and restart.

- Tried to plug my third monitor that I got spare (another DELL) replacing the one with problems and

It works, (the third monitor works) using same display port cable and plug, as the faulty was using.

- Tried to replace display port cable fora new one.

- Tried to replace the display port order, as the monitor got 2.

- Tried to update drivers using the DELL website.

After all those attempts I found that help was needed !

I just realized that the computer Is not showing the monitor anyway. Cannot detect or Identify accessing display settings, It only shows the primary !

Just resuming, Monitor turns On, does not display ANY images (cant access monitor menu either as I cant see nothing) just shows a full black screen !

Does anyone have a clue ?

Would be much appreciated !

Best Regards,

Community Manager


55.6K Posts

April 6th, 2016 07:00

You should turn the computer and all monitors off. Disconnect all monitors and all their cables from the computer. Disconnect the U2414H power cable from the rear of the U2414H. Press the U2414H power button in for 15 seconds. Reconnect the power cable. Connect only the U2414H to the computer using only its mDP to DP cable. Turn the U2414H on, then the computer.

April 6th, 2016 15:00

Hi Cris !

Thanks for your help, but for some reason after following all the steps, still not going !

If there's any other possible options please just let me know !



Community Manager


55.6K Posts

April 7th, 2016 06:00

Short of getting it exchanged, no.

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