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November 26th, 2011 23:00

3007WFP Monitor does not work with new Dell XPS

I have been running the Dell Dimension 9200 with Vista with the 30 inch Dell monitor 3007WFP with no problems for many years. Recently the Dimension began seizing up after running for a few minutes. Since it was getting old, I decided to upgrade. I bought the Dell XPS 8300. I plugged my monitor into the DVI port and booted up and nothing was displayed on the screen, not even the POST boot up screen.

I connected an HDMI monitor to the video card and was able to manage the display settings. Windows 7 recognized that another monitor was connected, but recognized it as a "generic non-pnp monitor." I installed the latest drivers from the Dell website, but this did not fix the issue.

I don't think the problem is the new video card because I brought home my 20 inch Dell monitor from work and that worked no problem through the DVI port.

I also brought home my Dell desktop from work that is still running XP and that powered the 3007WFP (although at a lower resolution).

I've gone round and round for hours tweaking settings and updating drivers and I can't get the 3007WFP to play with the XPS 8300. It is very strange to me that it won't even do the boot up screen.

Another piece of information, before buying the XPS I purchased a new video card for the Dimension (thinking that was the root problem of the desktop) and a similar problem occurred, no display, not even during bootup.

I called tech support and after a few hours they decided it is probably a bad video card. A technician is coming out to try replacing the video card of the 8300. Seeing as the DVI port is able to power my smaller monitor, I doubt that is the problem. It would be great to save Dell the expense of sending out a technician and me having to take a day off of work.

Any ideas on what is going on? Is the 3007WFP not compatible with newer video cards? Not compatible with Windows 7 64 bit? Is the firmware of my monitor corrupt? Thanks for your help.

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

December 1st, 2011 22:00

If the monitor still functions on the Dimension, then the monitor is not defective. Are you using the DVI-D Dual Link cable we shipped with the monitor on the XPS 8300? Does the XPS 8300 video card port support DVI-D Dual Link?

4 Posts

December 2nd, 2011 00:00

Thank you for considering my issue Chris.

I am using the original DVI-D Dual Link cable that I received with the monitor. It is the only cable I used with the Dimension at full resolution.

The XPS I bought is the off the shelf unit from Best Buy:

According to the specs it has a AMD Radeon HD 6450 graphics card. According to the online specifications of that card, it supports the maximum resolution of the monitor and Dual Link DVI:

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

December 2nd, 2011 07:00

There are many reports of issues with Windows 7. This driver <ADMIN NOTE: Broken link has been removed / replaced from this post by Dell> only supports XP 32/64 and 2000. This driver only supports Vista 32/64.

4 Posts

December 2nd, 2011 08:00

My top-of-the-line monitor that is only five years old is absolutely incompatible with Windows 7? Are there any third party drivers? Would drivers for a different monitor work? If not, are my only options to downgrade my new computer to Vista or to junk my monitor?

4 Posts

December 4th, 2011 09:00

Thanks again for considering my issue. I was thinking about it more this weekend. If the issue is related to Windows 7, then why does the monitor not even display anything during the POST boot up screen? If Windows 7 were the issue, wouldn't the POST display to the monitor and then start having problems? I don't get any display, including POST.

Could the issue be related to my cable even though the cable works with the original computer (until it locks up)? Could newer video cards be outputting with a lower voltage or something that my cable can't support?

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

December 4th, 2011 10:00

Good point. I do not know about the voltage question.

2 Posts

May 22nd, 2012 05:00

I note the comments from the Dell person here. I too have a Dell 3007WPF and I spent an increadibly frustrating and annoying several hours trying to work out why it was that my lovely and expensive monitor purchased five years ago, which was working absolutely fine on a Vista desktop would not display above 1280x800 on a Windows 7 64-bit desktop despite having a quite reasonable Radeon HD5700 card and all the right cables. Having uninstalled and reinstalled drivers for the display adapter and even pulled the card out of the machine and plugged it back in and so on, I am absolutely gobsmacked to discover this is an issue with NO Windows 7 64-bit driver for the monitor. Is it an unreasonable expectation to be able to take an expensive bit of hardware such as this and expect to be able to migrate it on to a newer desktop pc running windows? The warranty on the monitor may have expired after three years, but please can we be reasonable about this and please can Dell provide an appropriate compatible driver?

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

May 25th, 2012 13:00


If your monitor is not in the Drivers for Microsoft Windows 7 drop down list, there will not be one. Windows 7 will load its generic PNP driver for the monitor.

It sounds like you moved the 3007WFP to a different computer? Are the ports on the Radeon HD5700 DVI-D Dual Link? Are you using the Dell supplied DVI-D Dual Link cable?

2 Posts

May 26th, 2012 03:00

Thanks. I see that someone has edited down my capitalization!

I spoke to Dell Tech Support and the following links were provided:

'As per the discussion, I’m hereby sending you the link where from you can download the updated drivers and install.
This might help the issue to be fixed.
Please write back, if you’ve any further queries or issues.
I’ll be more than happy to arrange a call back and address your queries.
If this does not work, you can alternately download and install the driver from the link given below, which will help you to run in Compatibility Mode.'

The first link worked fine and the monitor is now displaying at its native resolution (2560x1600) under Windows 7 64-bit. Hope someone else finds this if they encounter the same problem. BTW this has nothing to do with other hardware. I am using a non-Dell supplied DVI cable and the graphics card was not the culprit. Purely a problem with the monitor and its drivers. So much for 'plug-and-play' ha ha....

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

May 26th, 2012 13:00

That first link provided a driver for the 3007WFP-HC? Yet you are saying it functions on your 3007WFP. Good to know.

158 Posts

October 1st, 2012 13:00

The drivers mentioned above are no longer present.

We're sorry...
Details for this driver are currently unavailable. Please try again later.
Microsoft update provided a current driver. Even if you have the Vista drivers installed,

14 Posts

July 25th, 2013 08:00

I spent over 10 hours trying to get this resolved.  This monitor only take "dual-link" DVI.  TheDell tech support guy told me that the monitor (wfp3007) only works with "displayport" conection.  the monitor came with Dual link DVI-D cable and the tech guy tell me it does not work except only with "didplayport"?  Anyway I have been using this monitor for years with a mac that has dual link DVI connection at 2560 x1600.  Before I purchased a new Dell, I called tech support, sales, oline chat, and more and they all assured me the Latitude computers with docking station with Dual link connections would work with this computer...well after spending thousands of dollars and countless hours, i come to find it DOES NOT work.  The docking station that claims to have "dual-link: DOES NOT have dual link. Long story short, displayport to dual link DVI active adapter gets my monitor to work at full resolution.  Any computer with displayport will work with this monitor with that active adapter.  HP, Lenovo, Samsung, others.  Man I am mad at Dell for promising me this works and find out after purchasing they didnt even know what I was talking about.

Community Manager


55.1K Posts

August 2nd, 2013 22:00


Please refrain from using profanity on our Forum.

I agree, the technicians should know that all of the Dell Docks DVI ports are only DVI-D Single Link and not Dual Link.

The 3007WFP/3007WFP-HC will only work on two modes, 1280x800 when using DVI-D Single-Link and 2560x1600 when using DVI-D Dual-Link.

Using the Accell UltraAV B087B-002B DisplayPort from dock to DVI-D Dual-Link monitor port will allow you to attain 2560x1440 or 2560x1600 depending on your GPU.

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