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This post is more than 5 years old


April 21st, 2017 10:00

[XPS 9360 BIOS regression] Battery drain in non connected standby since BIOS 1.2.3

I've found a fully and very easily reproductible battery drain issue (+2.5W consumption!) when not using "Connected Standby" sleep in windows 10.

Here is the detail :

- First, I don't use "Connected Standby" anymore as I've had many occurrences of the computer not going to sleep when closing the lid in "Connected standby" mode. To disable "Connected Standby", you've to put "CsEnabled" to 0 (instead of 1)  in \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Power.

- I use BatteryBar v3.6.6 to monitor power consumption in realtime (it works really well)

- The problem is the following : on my 9360 QHD+ with backling at 15%, when doing vitually nothing on Windows 10, the power consumption is between 3000 and 4000 mW when I cold start Windows 10. Then, if I close the lid for a few seconds (to put the computer to sleep) and open it up again, the consumption is then between 5500 and 6500 mW. No matter the number of times I re-close/re-open the lid, I then never can have between 3000 and 4000 mW again. The overconsumption is about 2500 mW compared to the normal initial power consumption

- This problem never happened with BIOS 1.0.7, I tried it dozens of time on different units of 9360

- The problem appeared with BIOS 1.2.3 and is now still present in 1.3.2

- The problem is clearly linked to the Thunderbird BIOS update that occured in BIOS 1.2.3. If I disable the Thunderbolt port in BIOS 1.3.2, I have no battery drain issue anymore ! (this is the workaround I currently use)

Please, can you check this issue and try to fix the regression in the next BIOS ?

If you need any further detail, I can provide you with as many additional information as you want, even a video showing clearly this major issue.

This issue is critital as you loose a lot of battery life with this permanent 2500 mW overconsumption.

41 Posts

May 8th, 2017 08:00


Anyone from DELL on this critical technical issue ?


3 Apprentice


4.3K Posts

May 8th, 2017 09:00

Sorry I am not from Dell but maybe some info may help.

My system runs the Modern Standby instead of sleeping.  After 30 minutes it seems to go into hibernation even though that is not the setting.  This may be related to a Windows Power setting regarding judging if the user is away.

As you can see, the listing from the command prompt shows the Sleep States available.

If you run a powercfg /sleepstudy from an administrative command prompt it will create a file you can copy to the desktip and open.  This listing may contain info about your situation.  My system does not exhibit battery drain during down time so I cannot guarantee your report will expose your problem.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /a
The following sleep states are available on this system:
    Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Disconnected
    Fast Startup

41 Posts

May 9th, 2017 13:00

Thank you Saltgrass but the problem I described was precisely when NOT using modern standby.

Anyway : I have great news : the new BIOS 1.3.4 fixes the issue, there is no more battery drain even when having the thunderbolt port activated ;-)

Thank you DELL !

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