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This post is more than 5 years old


June 26th, 2011 00:00

XPS 15z LCD problem

Got my xps 15z last week. I have some problem with the LCD.

Check out my photo. Is this darkening in some area of the LCD normal?

Also anyone notice that the caps lock on the keyboard seems abit loose and the backlight on it is not too bright.


8 Posts

June 27th, 2011 04:00

Any idea if this is normal?

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

June 28th, 2011 15:00


This may be caused by the angle that you are viewing the LCD.  Does the dark areas change as you move the screen or move to a different point of view.  If you are looking directly at the LCD at 90 degrees from the desktop do you notice if it gets better or not?

If you connect an external monitor do you notice the dark areas on the external monitor?  If so then you may have a driver, video adapter problem.


8 Posts

June 29th, 2011 00:00

The dark area does not change and connecting to an external monitor have no such issue. I

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

June 30th, 2011 15:00


If you like please shoot me a private message and I will be happy to take a look at service options and see about replacing the LCD panel.  Please include in your reply your name, shipping and contact info, email address and phone number.


2 Posts

August 8th, 2011 13:00

JLQ9 - were you ever able to get this resolved?

I am also having problems with the LCD screen (not the other issues though)...curious whether there is a solution.  I am worried about it - I figured that by getting such a nice laptop, I wouldn't need to deal with this sort of thing!  :(

8 Posts

August 10th, 2011 05:00

No solution. The LCD was replaced but I was told that the problem is by design by the engineer.

I have send it back to dell and is waiting for my refund because my work requires me to design graphics and the brightness is too uneven for it.

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