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March 14th, 2016 06:00

Reinstall Windows 7 on E5570

I'm told by support that since the Latitude E5570's have an M.2 SSD in them, they need a driver to be installed before the typical Windows 7 OS install media with recognize the hard drive.  If that's true, we kinda stuck if we lose the installed OS.  We won't be able to re-install Windows 7.  I have a "Smart-Repair" thumb drive from Dell which should allow you to re-install the OS but it doesn't work because there's no driver for the M.2 drive I assume.  Those "Smart-Repair" USB drives have always worked in the past, but the with M.2 SSDs it appears to be something different.  Any advise?

March 14th, 2016 08:00

Hmm...I think I have the same problem on the E5470.

The Windows 7 Enterprise installation whether loaded from CD or USB, bombs out fairly soon after starting the installation routine with an "error loading AHCI device drivers".

There is no way it lets you load these whether from USB, external CD drive or even the internal hard drive as the setup routine will not see anything outside of its own file system. It's as if you need to slipstream the AHCI/Sata drivers into the Windows 7 setup routine.

I'm stumped and now because I have wiped the OEM windows 10 partition the laptop seems to be bricked.

I'd love to know a way round this.


1 Message

April 27th, 2016 05:00

I have the same problem ...try to install manually windows 7 enterprise and install via SCCM 1602. The storage driver from Dell and Intel is not working.

I also try with drvload but noting successful. 

May 2nd, 2016 08:00

I'm having a problem on an e5570 with my USB stick as well.

When I plug it in I can see the option boot from USB.

But trying to access the stick either in Windows PE or Windows 7 doesn't work.

The USB stick works in every other computer.

Something had to have been changed hardware-wise with these 55XX series.

I did a fresh OS install, now I'm tying to figure out how to put drivers back onto the system without having to burn a CD. Since Windows doesn't migrate the working network driver from WinPE.


---- Update ----

So I can boot off of a USB stick into Windows PE. However, in diskpart the USB stick doesn't even show up as a disk or volume. I can't even view the USB stick as a storage device.

I've tried the USB stick in another 5570, both are brand new never used computers.

2 Posts

May 10th, 2016 01:00

I installed Windows 7 on DELL Latitude E5570 successfully using this tool

third option


1 Message

May 10th, 2016 08:00

Witch tool???

I am always stuck in the rinstallation

2 Posts

May 10th, 2016 13:00

The tool i used to install Windows 7 on Latitude E5570 is "Win 7 USB Patcher".

Here's the video guide on youtube.

The last version of the tool can create iso file immediatly.

1 Message

June 6th, 2016 13:00

I too had the same issues as listed above. A dell support rep gave me this link today and it allows you to use a bootable flash drive and install Win7. The problem is due to the Skylake CPU needing extra drivers.

Here's the link:

1 Message

December 20th, 2016 04:00


3 hours .... and it works. Use driver from:

Unpack the package, and use driver from the folder:


1 Message

January 4th, 2017 10:00

How did you transfer the driver to the new laptop? Did you use a USB or a CD/DVD? I'm trying to reinstall Win 7 with a CD. I get part of the way through and it says for me to install the driver by using a USB or a CD.

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