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This post is more than 5 years old


February 21st, 2015 06:00

Problem after bios update - black screen


I have a Inspiron 15 7547,  its fairly new i got it for christmas.

I went to my dell or whatever it's called i saw that by bios needed an update. I thought it was necessery so clicked update. My Inspiron started updating, the fan was on max rpm working loudly. I waited about 10min, the progress bar/window did not change so i decided to take a nap. Ooo was I surprised when i woke up, the computer was on but then screen was black. I restarted the pc holding down on the on-off button. Now all I get after turing on the laptop is a balck screen.

Please help, my computer is still on warranty according to

I'm on a job in Europe, i need my dell for work. I'm forced to work with a  borrowed laptop. Is there anything i can do to fix this issue? Please help...

4 Operator


20.1K Posts

February 21st, 2015 10:00

As you know now, updating the bios is not something to do casually and especially while out of the country or anywhere with unreliable power sources since the slightest interruption or fluctuation of power can fry your motherboard. Sorry. I guess you'll have to wait to return to US to fix this under warranty or maybe someone else has a better idea.  

2 Posts

February 21st, 2015 13:00

Then Dell should have given a warning of some kind like this may take a while keep laptop pluged in wall outlet at all times since i updated via my Dell Panel. 

Anyway My computer was pluged in for power the whole time plus it had almost 100% battery on it. Is there any way to check for sure if the motherboard is dead? 

Thanks for the reply

2 Posts

September 25th, 2016 18:00

I have thesame problem! How didntou fix yours?

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