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This post is more than 5 years old


June 29th, 2009 22:00

Outlook program will not open...

not sure what has happend....i have not added downloaded or done much of anything lately.  yet my outlook program will not open.  a flash of it opens and it closes with a window that red dot with an x on it.  "Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook.  Cannot open the outlook window"

not sure what to do.  thougth it might eb my spam program but uninstalled it and reboooted and it does the same.  Any suggestions. 

I have two machines that accept my emails so you can email me.... plus my blackberry.  I just cannot open my main email on the Inspiron  laptop where I do most work.

Microsft windows XP

media center Edition

version 2002

Service pack 3

Dell Inspiron 9400 T2500 2.00GHz

1.00 GB Ram


9 Legend


87.5K Posts

June 30th, 2009 04:00

Will Outlook open in Safe Mode (start-run and type outlook /safe in the box that appears)?

If it will, it's probably an extension that's causing the problem - you'll have to look to see which one.

If it won't, try repairing Office (you'll need your Office disc and to go to add/remove programs).


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