This post is more than 5 years old
3 Posts
December 16th, 2012 08:00
Keyboard Issue - most of the number keys do not work
I have a Dell Inspiron E1705\9400. Only the number 5 and 6 keys work, 1-4 and 7-0 do not. All other keys work on the key pad.
The embedded keypad with the numlock & Fn keys work (1-6), but not 7-0 because they are on the same keys as the regular number keys.
All keys on the on-screen keyboard work as does a USB attached keyboard.
I upgraded the operating system from XP to Win 7 (32-bit) with clean install.
It was during the install I noticed the number keys not working.
I ordered a new keyboard and installed it - same problem.
I uninstalled the 2 keyboard drivers (Standard PS/2 Keyboard) and re-booted.
Windows installed the same drivers again (same name & version) - did not fix problem.
Seems to be a driver issue. I am looking for a VISTA 32-bit or XP 32-bit driver to see if that will work.
ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS or experienced a similar issue?
<ADMIN NOTE: Email id removed per privacy policy>
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
934 Posts
December 16th, 2012 15:00
Test the keyboard outside Windows:
> Download "Rufus"and insert an empty USBstick
> run "Rufus" (just double click the exe - file.It runs instantly,no installation required)
> make sure your empty USBstick is listed under "Device"
> tick the same options as in the picture below (should be default anyway)
> click "Start" => when finished you have a bootable FreeDOS USBstick
> reboot your system and boot from USB
> choose a keyboard layout when prompted
> at the c:\ - prompt type 1234567890.....if the keys don't respond it's a hardware problem
> If you have a Dell "Driver and Utility Disk" you can carry out even more extensive hardware tests.You could even boot to the BIOS screen
and try changing the time settings to check if the keys work - but you might inadvertently change too much.....
3.6K Posts
December 16th, 2012 12:00
Make sure the numlock is set to on,it's the first light between the media direct button and the power button on the control strip.As far as i know with a Vista driver,if memory is correct,it is a generic windows driver that loads for the keyboard.
3 Posts
December 16th, 2012 12:00
I have played with the NumLock button including going into the BIOS to make sure it is on when the system boots.
The fact that only the #5 & #6 keys work leads me to believe it not to be associated with the NumLock key. With NumLock on I can use the embedded numbers keypad with the FN key except for #7, #8 &, #9, & the / (keys 7 thru 0). I think Win 7 install has something to do with it.
Where can I get a VISTA 32-bit mouse driver? I hope I don't have to download one of the driver services for just one driver that I need!
3 Posts
December 17th, 2012 04:00
The test shows it is a hardware issue. Seems strange that the newly installed keyboard would be bad. Now it is a question of is it the keyboard or the motherboard? If an external keyboard and the on-screen keyboard work then it seems as though it must be the on-board keypad.
Thanks Microtest for the help. It has put me on a new path to resolve the issue.
3 Apprentice
3 Apprentice
934 Posts
December 17th, 2012 05:00
If the result at the DOS prompt is the same as inside Windows (only key 5 and 6 work) chances are that the mainboard is the problem.Check the connector(dirty,damaged pins?) on the mainboard where the ribbon cable of the keyboard is plugged in and if the ribbon cable of the keyboard is a separate item replace it.