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This post is more than 5 years old


June 22nd, 2012 02:00

Inspiron 1525 problem

I have a inspiron 1525 and it appears to have stopped charging the battery. When I hover the cursor over the icon it reads 'plugged in not charging' I have replaced the battery and it still reads the same, can anyone help please?

June 22nd, 2012 02:00


My name is Roopesh and I work for the Social Media and Community Team at Dell.

I appreciate that you have changed the Battery, It could also be a fault with the Adapter

Please try with an alternate adapter of the same kind and check if you still the same error message

Please respond in case you need any further assistance or clarification.


Certified Dell Community Professional

2 Posts

June 25th, 2012 13:00

Hi Roopesh,

The adapter appears to be working fine, is it possible that it could be faulty even though it powers the computer with no problems?

934 Posts

June 25th, 2012 15:00

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