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This post is more than 5 years old



February 23rd, 2008 19:00

Fixed Touchpad and Mouse Settings

After a couple of days, I finally got my Inspiron 1521 to keep its mouse/touchpad speed settings even when rebooting or using my Logitech USB Cordless Mouse!


I went into the registry and tried adjusting the MouseSpeed, MouseThreshold1, and MouseThreshold2 values.  Most information I found on the web suggested that I needed to change these---BUT THIS ISN'T TRUE!


What I noticed was the MouseSensitivity value was the value that changes when you adjust the "mouse speed" in the Control Panel, Mouse, Pointer Options.


I wanted to find a way to make sure that this value NEVER changed so this is what I did:


I adjusted my "mouse speed" first.  Then opened the registry with Registry Editor (regedit.exe), expanded the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key, expanded the Control Panel Key, and right-clicked on the Mouse key.


I then clicked on "Permissions..." so that I could remove the Full Control on that particular key.  A window for Permissions for Mouse will open, with a Security Tab showing Group or user names.


I clicked on Administrators, then unchecked the Full Control under the Allow column.  I also did the same for my user name.  Then clicked Ok, and exited Registry Editor.


Now my Dell Touchpad speed setting remains where I like it, and when I plug in my Logitech USB V220 Cordless Mouse, I set the Logitech mouse speed settings with the SetPoint program.  AND the touchpad speed setting remains set even when I turn off/reboot my computer.



112 Posts

February 26th, 2008 15:00

I clicked on Administrators, then unchecked the Full Control under the Allow column


when i do this all my checks are greyed out and i cannot change them , i am having the same issue as you  my touchpad speed settings controll the speed of my bluetooth mouse and vise versa.   when i reboot  my touch pad speed gets reset .


how are you able to take off the cheakmarks in there   when they are greyed out.


and just removing the checks  fixes the speed of the touchpad ?



February 26th, 2008 22:00

Ok.  When you get to Permissions, click on the Advanced Button.  Uncheck the check box for "Inherit from the parent the permission entries that apply to child objects.  Include these with entries explicitly defined here."  when you do that, you'll get a window asking to "Copy, Remove, or Cancel".  Select Copy, then click Ok.


The check boxes should be free to uncheck.

112 Posts

February 27th, 2008 18:00

i set my mouse speed after taking off full controll for the mouse under both admin adnd my acount , reboot and the synapsys mouse speed went back to default agian,...


note i had my bluetooth mouse turned off the whole  time , i dont get y it resets back to default speed :(

112 Posts

February 27th, 2008 18:00

ok i got that ser now to try this setting out.... will post back results.




Message Edited by Ex-28 on 02-27-2008 02:23 PM

2 Posts

March 5th, 2008 19:00

I'm glad to see there is finally a fix! I have not re-installed my logitech mouse since I experienced this incident.

 Should I install the mouse before or after I try this solution?? Also, is this the only solution available, has neither Microsoft nor logitech come up with some patch or other solution??
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