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This post is more than 5 years old


July 23rd, 2015 09:00

Cursor Issues

I am trying to take classes on line and I'm having CONSTANT problems with my cursor either jumping without warning or freezing altogether.  I have done the troubleshooter, I have adjusted the settings, and I am ready to throw this laptop out the window.  Can you PLEASE do something about this issue?  I have already seen this type of post multiple times and don't have this problem with my other computer.

1.2K Posts

July 23rd, 2015 10:00

Hi ,

Regret the inconvience caused ! Request you to provide  some more information so that I can assist you further ,

*What are the troubleshooting steps performed by you ?

*Is the cursor erratic with an external mouse connected .

*Are you facing this issue after any software/hardware changes were made on the system .

*Have you tried to make changes with the touchpad utility by reducing its sensitivity .

*Also do confirm the system model and OS installed on the system .

Hoping to hear  from you soon .

Kindest Regards ,

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