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11 Posts


December 15th, 2019 07:00

Can I disable AC adapter warning?

I have a Dell Inspiron laptop.  I am using the original Dell adapter.  It works correctly in the USA.  But when I travel to another country sometimes it gives me a warning at startup that it cannot detect the AC adapter voltage, or something like that, and it will start in "slug mode" which is to say everything is very slow.  There is no reason for "slug mode" because the AC adapter still works correctly and the battery charges when plugged in. I think the warning is caused because the electricity output at the wall plug is a little different here.

I found a way around "slug mode" when I am outside the USA.  Before I turn on the laptop I disconnect the AC adapter from the computer.  Then I start the computer normally.  Then when Windows has started I reconnect the AC adapter and it works normally with no "slug mode".  Is there any way to permanently turn off the worthless "slug mode"?  I can always change my power settings if someday I have a real AC adapter problem.



December 15th, 2019 08:00

i don't think u can disable it

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