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December 27th, 2021 06:00

BIOS won't update - 15 7000 (7567)

Trying to update BIOS on my Inspiron 15 Gaming 7567 to 1.15.0.

SupportAssist fails, both on my desktop and on

Tried manual installation, but when I click on the downloaded .exe file nothing happens. (Running it both regular and "run as administrator") 

Any idea what might be wrong or what I should do next? Not running BitLocker and only virus software is Windows Security. 

3 Posts

January 15th, 2022 07:00

I figured out how to do it using a USB stick so it's up-to-date now, even if I never figured out the original issue.

8 Posts

January 12th, 2022 20:00

dont do it. bios update for that laptop is killing laptops. 

4 Operator


4K Posts

January 15th, 2022 01:00

You can also try this:


  • Enter the BIOS menu (by pressing F2 during the boot-up process);
  • Once in the BIOS reset your custom BIOS options;
  • Then verify if the date and time are correct and change any other needed BIOS menu options for your normal configuration;
  • Restart the system.

Try to update the BIOS now.

If it doesn't work, try the BIOS recovery

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