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This post is more than 5 years old


April 6th, 2008 01:00

symaudit current time

Is anyone know a good procedure (without changing the state of array) for finding out the current time of audit log?
Thanks, Assaf

111 Posts

April 7th, 2008 03:00

There's only one thing I know, that I constantly do.
I use the 'symmaskdb backup -sid XXX -f temp_bck_file' command.
And then I check the time of the backup using the 'symaudit list -sid XXX -action BegBckup' command.

You can also ask your local PSE to reset the clock with a symmetrix reboot :).

19 Posts

April 7th, 2008 06:00

Thanks, But I haven't permission to do this (I have read only permissions).
Actually, I try to find out which hosts need a resetting of their time...
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