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This post is more than 5 years old


April 10th, 2012 07:00

NFSV4 issue with MQM...

We are working towards moving to file level sharing using nfsv4 for MQM.  We create the filesystem, share, then exported to the Linux servers ran the tests from MQM to validate all was setup fine, however when the application tries to use the filesystem they get the following error:

AMQ11471.0.FDC 2012/04/03 11:18:26.138167-4 crtmqm 11471 1 HL000001 hlgStartLog xecF_E_UNEXPECTED_RC hrcE_MQLO_DERR
AMQ11471.0.FDC 2012/04/03 11:18:26.158107-4 crtmqm 11471 1 AL006003 almCreateLog xecF_E_UNEXPECTED_RC hrcE_MQLO_UNEXPECTED_OS_ERROR
AMQ11471.0.FDC 2012/04/03 11:18:26.174247-4 crtmqm 11471 1 AO064003 aocConfigure krcE_UNEXPECTED_ERROR

When MQ called the write() system call at , the call failed, and the errno from the operating system was EIO. This errno

  indicates a problem with the I/O.  This could be a device error, an OS error or a hardware error.  It's
not possible for MQ, in its position higher up the software stack, to know the reasons for EIO.  The OS
and/or disk vendor will have to be involved to investigate further why the write() call failed with errno
of EIO.

Of course the issue has to be on the NAS as the OS and IBM state, however I can't seem to figure out what even to look at or what to have them take a look at.   From the OS Linux perspective, they setup the FS as follows in the /etc/fstab

nfs4 nosuid,bg,hard,_netdev,intr 0 0

Figured I would check to see if anyone else ever ran into something like this.

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