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September 21st, 2007 03:00

Delete sym device pairs from a running SRDF/A device Group


I have a number SRDF/A pairs I wish to delete from an RDF group and I have done the following:-

Check the current state of the paired devices
symrdf -g query

Collect the R1 and R2 information for the paired devices into a file
symrdf -g query | grep DEV | awk '{print $2 " " $7}' > /tmp/ _pairs

Edit contents of the above file by leaving ONLY the pairs you want to delete from this RDF group.
vi /tmp/ _pairs

Suspend the paired listed in the input file
symrdf -rdfg 5 -sid 0921 -force -file /tmp/ _pairs suspend

Delete the pairs you no longer need
symrdf -rdfg 5 -sid 0921 -file /tmp/ _pairs deletepair

But now the DG has changed from RDF1 VALID to not.

I can no longer query it using symrdf -g , but can using symrdf -rdfg query. This shows that the redundant devices have been removed, thus leaving what I want in a sync' in progress state.

How do I get it all back to VALID RDF with the devices I want ?

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 05:00

With a "symdg list" I can only find how many devices are in a given DG. Are you using "symdg show" to get the full listing of the devices inside the DG ??

I think that exporting the DG, deleting -force it, modifying the file before importing again the DG should work ...


24 Posts

September 21st, 2007 03:00

Sorry, forgot to mention that the command 'symdg list' still totals up to a number that includes the original disks and the command 'symdg export' to a file still shows the original disks.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 03:00

Use symld and remove from the DG the devices already removed from the link with the "deletepair" :-)

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 04:00

Kook I've seen that you already put questions in the past .. but it seems that they are still unanswered .. Could you please review your previous threads and mark them as answered (if you received an answer) ?? Even better, before marking your threads as answered, assign also points to correct or helpful answers someone offered you .. :-)

24 Posts

September 21st, 2007 04:00

Okay, but then how do I get back to a valid RDF state ?

24 Posts

September 21st, 2007 04:00

Since I can not see the devices in group using command 'symdg list' I was thinking of using 'symdg export' to a file. Edit the file leaving only the devices I need and then doing a symdg import. I have confirmed using symrdf -rdfg xx -sid xxx list that only the devices I want are replicating.

If I do this will this mean the group will become valid again.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 04:00

Instead of suspending the whole DGs you can put them in adaptive copy .. you'll still be able to delete unneeded pairs .. and it will be faster and smoother to turn again to async.
If you want to try this way, please don't touch the skew :-) and leave the default.

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 04:00

The "valid" state in "symdg list" refers to the fact that the DG is valid (contains the right volumes). Now your DG contains some RDF devices and some NON-RDF devices (the ones you deleted before from the RDFG but not from the DG) so the status of the DG lists as "invalid".

If you really want to know how does your link is working, issue a "symrdf -rdfg xx -sid yyy list" :-)

Message was edited by:
Stefano Del Corno

24 Posts

September 21st, 2007 06:00

Yes Group is a vlaid RDF1 group again and I will be enabling consistency.

The method I used was to suspend and delete the devices I do not need, then export the device group out to a file, edit the file and keep only the devices I need and import it again and it works.

Is this the best method ?

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 06:00

Are your groups valid again ??
Did you already reached the "consistent" state on your groups ??
Remember to enable consistency protection acros your RDFg :-)

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

September 21st, 2007 06:00

Yes the method you used is one of the possible ways of doing the same thing :-)

My method:
0) clean DGs and remove to-be-deleted devices (use symld)
1) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy list | grep -v " - " | grep "R.:$xx" | cut -c 1-10 > pairfile.old
2) create 2 new pairfiles from the first one ... the first one (pairfile.delete) will contain to-be-deleted devices while the second one ( will contain the remaining devices.
3) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file pairfile.old disable
4) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file pairfile.old set mode acp_disk
5) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file pairfile.delete susp
6) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file pairfile.delete deletepair
7) symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file set mode async
and later on
8) symrdf -rdfg $xxx -sid $yyy -file enable

Since we don't use DGs we usually jump to step 1 ;-)

24 Posts

September 21st, 2007 06:00

Thanks again for your help, I am sure I will be in the forums again soon.

2 Intern


138 Posts

May 13th, 2011 11:00


How do I do this (remove device pairs) if I'm using Device Groups?


33 Posts

November 22nd, 2012 17:00

Thank you Me stefano.. those steps are great help for my troubleshooting today.

only your document says about this step

symrdf -rdfg $xx -sid $yyy -file pairfile.old disable

2 Intern


5.7K Posts

November 23rd, 2012 00:00

waaw, that's a reply to a really old post, but nevertheless still helpful

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