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November 5th, 2020 09:00

Need Help Recovering Administrator Password

Good afternoon,

I'm hoping someone can help me a problem I'm having. I've just obtained a used FS8611i but cannot login under Administrator. I  have read that the default password should be Stor@ge!, but that has been changed.

If I type cli at the login prompt I can login as Administrator / Stor@ge! . I can also login as support using Stor@ge! . However, I can't login at the main prompt where it says node0 login. Any ideas? I'm new to the FS series. 

November 7th, 2020 11:00

To the best of my recollection, you can't login with administrator account via main prompt. You need to first tell the box where you want to go: cli or support. If you type cli at the first prompt it will give you "login as" prompt. There you can login as administrator with default password. Therefore, this works as designed.

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