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August 7th, 2006 12:00

Threads don't follow in order

Has anybody else noticed that the threads do not necessarily appear in the order that they were posted? For example, if somebody posts a question, then person A replies with something. Then if person B replies to the original, there are now 2 replies. Now if person A continues the thread, person A replies bump out person B, even if person B replied well in advance. This seems to continue bumping them out as long as person A continues the dialogue. Yet when you go in and look, you can see that the timestamps do indicate that a later post is showing earlier. Just an observation, but sometimes the 2nd person to reply gets completely pushed out of the conversation.

9 Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

Just to demonstrate, I replied to the first message in the should appear at the bottom of the level that contains replies to that particular message.

It does look like there could be better visual cues to indicate the levels in threaded view though...


428 Posts

August 7th, 2006 12:00


that's it, of course. I changed to "Threaded", and suddenly Tony reply was moved to end. This is probably "correct", but it doesn't make sense!!!


428 Posts

August 7th, 2006 12:00

Hi Tony,

I haven't noticed this yet. Do you have an example?
I just noticed that I wrote almost the same reply as you, but yours seems to come first as it was posted 5 minutes earlier. I think that's correct, isn't it?



August 7th, 2006 12:00

Yes I'm looking at this thread now too - I'm not even sure what flat and threaded means, but when I switched to flat and Joerg's went to the bottom.

Normally I would expect the threads show in the order they were replied in.

14.3K Posts

August 7th, 2006 12:00

What "Thread Page View" do you use? I use flat and did't see this so far, but perhaps different "Thread Page View" gives different results.

14.3K Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

Flat view rulez! :D

9 Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

It all depends on where you reply from. The Reply link is actually replying to that particular message, not the topic. So, it's not really the view that's the problem, it's the person that's replying perhaps not replying in the right place.

Hrvoje Crvelin actually described how threaded discussions have worked since the 80s (and probably before, I know I was familiar with them as early as the 80s though), and I assume this software follows the same convention...


428 Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

Hi Tony,

I have been using "flat" all the time, no idea why, actually.

Erich: Do you have any comments? Here is the thread we are talking about.



9 Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

And, just to further test this, a reply to Flat View Rulez! :)

August 7th, 2006 13:00

Yes, that's the scenario - I've seen it many times here actually. It looks right with flat now, although i suspect most people are in threaded view, as that was the default.

Looks like all flat all the time from here on out.

14.3K Posts

August 7th, 2006 13:00

I'm lame to change the view now to verify what I talk, but when different views were introduced I believe I did notice this one and did change to flat as I didn't like "reply-to-thread" view. If I remember correctly it was something like this:

joerg (1)
  - - hrvoje (2)
  |      |
  |      - - joerg (4)
tony (3)

Above you see Joerg starting thread, then I reply and then tony. However 4th reply coming from Joerg won't below Tony, but rather above he did reply my message and that "tree" of thread is shown above. Or something like that - can't remember now, but that was my first impression of it when I saw it and did change it (as I was used to see latest update latest and not suddenly in the middle).

August 7th, 2006 13:00

Testing - so this will insert before your reply.

August 7th, 2006 14:00

Yes, I see it working that way. The hard part is you may have somebody replying to the original post, not realizing there is a reply out there already, and they can get pushed off the screen.

Still looks like all flat all the time.

447 Posts

August 11th, 2006 10:00

Hi everyone,

we did discuss this once in the early post-upgrade days.

I don't think there a single "right way" for everyone. The "Flat" view list the conversation in chronological order, whereas the "Thread" view takes context into account. I happen to prefer to this last format, as I find the chronological view sometimes loses the meaning in a back-and-forth dialog when it intermingles with an unrelated branch in the discussion. This also makes it easier, from a moderation perspective, to understand the impact of branching off a side-discussion into it's own thread.

But, as I said, it's a matter of preference.

People obviously prefer one or the other... no one seems to like the "Tree' view... I wonder why.

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