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November 14th, 2006 07:00

Knowledgebase does not work as expected

I would have searched to see if this was already being discussed but since the search tool is now a piece of junk ( sorry for the negativity but I'm very frustrated ) I can't search for that.

The support forums search used to let me down. I.e. If I put in multiple search terms, it would look for them all individually which is never what I want. But that was never a problem as I found that the knowledgebase would look for all my search terms in a "with all the words" way.

Now I find that this functionality is missing. I've been trying to make due but this morning I just couldn't take it anymore.
I tried to enter a search item in quotes - thinking that it would return any occurrences of it - and it returned results but none of them contained the string.

What do I have to do to get the search to work? Is someone working on this?

What I really don't understand is why there is an advanced search created for document searching ( at the top of the main page ) which allows you to specify whether you want to search "with all of the words" or "exact phrase".

Why is this not how the knowledgebase is set up?

So, after all that ranting, I just want to know if anyone sees this as a problem, and if anyone is working on fixing it?

Missing the old knowledgebase,

19 Posts

November 14th, 2006 07:00

Hi Jennifer,

I'm sorry that your experience with the Knowledgebase Search has been so frustrating. I will definitely make sure this feedback gets to the right people here at EMC.

One thing I can suggest is that you try using some of the boolean capabilities that are present in this tool. If you want to force the search engine to match only documents that contain ALL the words you have entered, try using an "AND" (capitalized) in between each term. For example:

cat AND dog AND fish

This will return only documents that have all three of these terms in them.

Likewise, you can use expressions like OR and NOT to refine results. Putting quotes around a string will only return documents that have that exact string in them, so unless you know what you are looking for, this can sometimes be tough to make work.

As for the two search boxes on the page, the search in the top navigational bar allows you to search the entire Powerlink site. The Knowledgebase search, however, is designed to focus specifically on customer service documentation. That said, I understand your confusion here and will be sure to pass this along.


34 Posts

November 16th, 2006 06:00

Thanks for the assistance. I was not aware that "AND", "OR", "NOT" were keywords.


34 Posts

November 16th, 2006 06:00

Setting as answered.
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