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1 Message


July 26th, 2023 04:00

EMC unity 300 storage pool degraded

Hello ,


we have a traditional storage pool created with 1 Lun occupying  the 97 % space of pool 

there was never be a storage pool degraded alert in the past and we have similar 20 such deployments


we are seeing this issue in one deployment only


:    ID                                                = pool_8

      Name                                              = 1BKP

      Description                                       = storage-pool

      Total space                                       = 62009932513280 (56.3T)

      Current allocation                                = 60714999873536 (55.2T)

      Preallocated                                      = 0

      Remaining space                                   = 1294932639744 (1.1T)

      Subscription                                      = 60715268308992 (55.2T)

      Flash percent                                     = 0%

      Subscription percent                              = 97%

      Alert threshold                                   = 84%

      Drives                                            = 20 x 4.0T NL-SAS

      Number of drives                                  = 20

      RAID level                                        = 6

      Stripe length                                     = 10

      Rebalancing                                       = no

      Rebalancing progress                              =

      Health state                                      = Degraded/Warning (10)

      Health details                                    = "This storage pool exceeds the critical capacity threshold. Thin-provisioned resources may suffer data loss or become unavailable when the pool reaches full capacity. Snapshots may become invalid, file systems may become read-only and replication sessions may stop synchronizing for storage resources provisioned in this pool. To allocate more storage space, add more drives to your system. ("

      FAST Cache enabled                                = no

      Protection size used                              = 0

      Non-base size used                                = 0

      Auto-delete state                                 = Idle

      Auto-delete paused                                = no

      Auto-delete pool full threshold enabled           = yes

      Auto-delete pool full high water mark             = 95%

      Auto-delete pool full low water mark              = 85%

      Auto-delete snapshot space used threshold enabled = yes

      Auto-delete snapshot space used high water mark   = 25%

      Auto-delete snapshot space used low water mark    = 20%

      Data Reduction space saved                        = 0

      Data Reduction Percent                            = 0%

      Data Reduction Ratio                              = 1.0:1

      All flash pool                                    = no



how can we disable this alert  or check  ?





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