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This post is more than 5 years old



March 16th, 2009 19:00

XPS 420 Hard drive additions

I want to upgrade the hard drive in my xps 420. How many can I add? I know it holds up to 2TB but I can't find space for more than 2 drives. Is that all I can have?

4.6K Posts

March 17th, 2009 17:00

Looks like it is, unfortunately :emotion-6:


I nicked this picture from a Trusted Reviews review of the XPS 420, and I can't see anywhere else you could fit another hard drive?




Unless you have a spare 5.25" drive bay to put one in (you can get 5.25" - 3.5" converters), external hard drives - or standard/internal hard drives in external enclosures, are your only other options for adding storage capacity.

That said... depending on your DIY skills, you could possibly fabricate some sort of hard drive housing to fit in that free space at the lower rear portion of the case?

But then you'd be blocking off access to those (PCI?) ports on the motherboard :emotion-43:

4 Posts

February 21st, 2014 16:00

Probably not of much use to the original person posting message, but, today, while working on adding a second CD/DVD drive, I noticed a section (Page 134 in Dell XPS 420 Owner's Manual) on Installing a Hard Drive in a FlexBay.  On my system, the Media Card Reader came installed in the lower FlexBay.  Maybe this info will be of use to someone currently trying to add a hard drive to an XPS 420.

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