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November 18th, 2014 14:00

Four monitors

I have a Dell XPS 8700 with the additional HDMI slot that is covered.  I have 3 monitors, one hdmi, one dvi and one vga attached.  I would like to add a fourth monitor but when I test the covered hdmi slot by plugging the hdmi attached monitor into that slot, I get a big long message.  Is it possible to add a fourth monitor using that port?  I have used a small fourth monitor through USB, but the system sometimes goes temporarily dark.  I am a trader and need a very dependable 4 monitor setup. 

Thank you in advance. 

7 Posts

November 20th, 2014 06:00

Ron, Got up early this morning and fooled around some more. Have all 4 monitors running. I really appreciate your help.  Started by using the the HDMI port on the side of the back of the box first and then plugged the others in.  Seems to be working even after rebooting.  

Thank you very much.

10 Elder


44K Posts

November 18th, 2014 14:00

Did you enable the Intel Multi-Display option in BIOS setup?

7 Posts

November 18th, 2014 15:00

Thanks for replying.  I did not,  BIOS stuff is a bit beyond me.  Been into BIOS once or twice with other computers,  If you have any advise on that I would appreciate it.  Family asking what I want as a holiday gift,. Want to make sure this works before I ask for fourth monitor.  

Thank you. 

10 Elder


44K Posts

November 19th, 2014 10:00

With 4th monitor disconnected, reboot and press F2 to open BIOS setup.

Use arrow keys to navigate in BIOS setup to the Intel Multiple Monitor option. Highlight that entry and press Enter. Change it to Enabled. Save the change and exit setup. If you think you made a mistake just use the Exit without saving option.

Reboot and then shut down normally. Now connect the monitor to the onboard port and reboot again.

7 Posts

November 19th, 2014 14:00


Thanks for your help.  I can have one  VGA, one DVI and one HDMI, but it doesn't want to let me have a fourth monitor, using the HDMI port up and to the side of the back of the panel.  I went through the steps you outlined, but I cannot get it to work. Sorry to take up your time.   

Thanks Again.

7 Posts

November 19th, 2014 15:00


Yes Intel multiple monitor support is enabled.  Yes, I have looked at the display page. The monitor attached to the HDMi port in the back left side is not identified. I will have to look into display port.  Not familiar with it but do not think my monitors - Samsung S27C230 - are supported or support it.

I have a small AOC monitor that I use as an additional monitor when I am trading with my laptop.  I have used it on occasion with the desktop.  When I have done so, I occasionally have a situation wherein all the monitors go dark for a second or two, then come back. It is an inexpensive monitor - it may be the monitor causing the issue.

Thank you.

10 Elder


44K Posts

November 19th, 2014 15:00

What version of Windows?

Can I assume Intel Multiple Monitor support is enabled in BIOS now? If you're getting an error message, post the exact message here.

Have you looked in Windows on the "Display" screen (exact screen name may vary with version of Windows) to see if you can change settings to identify and enable the 4th monitor?

There's also an on-board DisplayPort output on the XPS 8700. So if any of your monitors supports DP, you might want to try that instead of HDMI.

There are other threads on these forums about using 4 monitors with the XPS 8700, so it should be doable. In one thread, a Dell moderator suggested using an AMD Radeon HD 7570 with Eyefinity support for 4 monitors or an AMD Radeon HD 8870 with Eyefinity for up to 6.  It's possible your particular video card is limited to supporting only 3.

Explain what you mean about system going dark with the 4th monitor. Do all 4 go dark or just the one connected via USB?

7 Posts

November 19th, 2014 16:00


Yes Intel multiple monitor support is enabled.  Yes, I have looked at the display page. The monitor attached to the HDMi port in the back left side is not identified. I will have to look into display port.  Not familiar with it but do not think my monitors - Samsung S27C230 - are supported or support it.

I have a small AOC monitor that I use as an additional monitor when I am trading with my laptop.  I have used it on occasion with the desktop.  When I have done so, I occasionally have a situation wherein all the monitors go dark for a second or two, then come back. It is an inexpensive monitor - it may be the monitor causing the issue.

Thank you.

7 Posts

November 19th, 2014 16:00

I'm on 8.1,

10 Elder


44K Posts

November 20th, 2014 10:00

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