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April 17th, 2015 14:00

Dimension 8250 Iomega Zip 250 issue

I have an older than dirt Dimension 8250 (it just turned 12 years old). I use this computer just as a back up. I had to replace the hard drive (it failed after 11 years, whoda thunk?) and after reinstalling all the OS (XP Professional 32 bit), all the drivers and all the programs that I'm going to use on it I keep getting an error message. 

The Message is: "Drive IOMEGA ZIP 250-08-08/01 is reporting: Partition use has exceeded 90%"

Anyone have an idea what needs to be done? I've done multiple Google searches to no avail and Ive posted to an Windows XP forum. Any help would be appreciated. I know the computer is old, but it still works for what I use it for and i can't see getting rid of it as long as it continues to work. 

Thank you all in advance. (BTW, I'm NOT very computer literate so please bear with me)

10 Elder


44.7K Posts

April 18th, 2015 19:00

A Zip drive (made by Iomega) has nothing to do with zipped files. :emotion-2:

Zipped files are compressed files so they use less space and so are easier to download. You unzip (expand) them before you can install them.

A Zip drive is just a fancy floppy disk drive that stores data on a diskette inside a cassette and holds more than the standard 3.5" floppy.

Since you installed a new HDD and loaded Windows, did you install the IomegaWare software (drivers) for this drive? The software probably came on a CD when you got the PC.

Zip drives are ancient hardware (as is the 8250), so if you don't use it, you might just disconnect the Zip drive from the motherboard and from the power supply.  You can leave it installed since you won't have an insert to cover the hole in the front panel if you physically remove the drive. And see if that error message goes away.

Got an old Zip 250 drive here, if you want it. :emotion-4: Useless piece of junk that ate more diskettes (at ~$5 each) than it ever stored data on... And now even the ones with data are useless because internal Zip drives aren't compatible with Win 7 or later...

22 Posts

April 20th, 2015 11:00

Thanks for the info. I'm just going to disconnect it as I don't use it at all. 

4 Operator


34.2K Posts

April 18th, 2015 05:00

Hi Bigal62,

I assume you have the Zip drive connected. Do you get the same message with every disc in the drive?

22 Posts

April 18th, 2015 12:00

The Zip Drive is internal, until I got this warning I never even knew it was in there (I don't remember ordering it, I bought the computer new). It gives me this warning without any disks in any of the drives (floppy or DVD). I can only assume that it was in use when reinstalling the drivers as they are zip files.

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