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This post is more than 5 years old


November 14th, 2004 21:00

ATI Radeon X800SE 128MB - Good Choice?

Is the 128MB ATI Radeon X800SE video card a good choice to be able to play the latest games and edit video on my PC?
I've needed a new PC for a LONG time and haven't been able to play ANY of the good games that have come out in the past few years.  I ordered a Dimension 8400 a few days ago.  I selected the X800SE upgrade (over the X300SE) thinking that the upgrade would provide good performance with the newest games.  After reading through some of Dell's forum posts, I'm beginning to have buyer's remorse!  Several posts seem to indicate that the X800SE may not be the way to go.
Should I have selected a different card?  The 256MB Nvidia GeForce 6800 GTO was another upgrade option for an additional $130 (approx.) over the X800SE upgrade.  I really don't know much about video cards.  I just want to be able to play the new games with good performace.
Any advice or input would be appreciated.  I may have time to resubmit my order with a different card.

7 Posts

November 14th, 2004 21:00

My PC was built on 11/2. Out of the box I hooked up the internet and installed the latest Video drivers and the latest soundcard drivers.

Everything was wonderful..

I installed the online game i am playing Dark age of Camelot. Worked perfectly I was thrilled.


Installed Doom 3. Downloaded and installed the latest patch. Ran game and it froze at the menu screen.

Ditto for Far Cry, Jedi Knight3, and Sacred.

I have tried every thing to get these games to run, to no avail. Firewalls, patches, blah, blah, blah.

This is my 3rd PC. I know a little about computers. Enough to know there is something wrong with this one. It might not be the video card. Reinstalling Windows has solved a lot of problems in the past. I'll try that next.

723 Posts

November 14th, 2004 21:00

Hi Half

Yes the x800se is a good upgrade over the x300se, kinda like nite and day. Despite what mark had to say if the card is set up properly with the latest drivers and the the games up to date with the latest patches you should be fine. You can't blame Dell for games not working if you don't read because alot of these new games were released with bugs so you have to be ready to make the nessary adjustments.

7 Posts

November 14th, 2004 21:00

See my post on Doom 3. I have a Brand new (less than 1 week old XPS3) with the X800se that will play only 1 out of the 5 games Ive installed.

7 Posts

November 14th, 2004 22:00

Well It's my opinion that if I spend almost 3,000 dollars on a "gaming" PC, I shouldnt have to jump through hoops to play games.

You do that on PC that are 2 or 3 years old. Ive done it lots of times.

You dont do that on a brand new PC built on 11/02/04.

723 Posts

November 14th, 2004 22:00

Like i said mark, i've read on different forums the games you mentioned are the main ones many people are haveing problems with, but having said that i also know people who are playing Doom3 and Counter Strike online without probs. Luck of the draw or research of how to fix them.

8 Posts

November 15th, 2004 03:00

Hmm I know what you mean I also have a ATI Radeon x800 SE and while the performance it's been giving me is quite odd.....I mean I could play a game such as Halo and Star Wars: KOTOR...but after a good amount of play it'll just crash and burn....very odd think the new Catalyst 4.11 will solve these issues?

83 Posts

November 15th, 2004 04:00

I have a x800se and I am able to play Far Cry, Doom 3,Call Of Duty and Knights of the Old Republic with ease.I play the games on very high settings at 1280/1024 resolution with no problems at all unless it is game related.I think you will enjoy your new card and these are not the only games I play .
8400 3.2 p4
1 gig 533 ram
1801 fpd

2 Posts

November 15th, 2004 05:00

Hello all,
Thanks for your input.
I've actually just submitted a Change of Order Form to Dell to upgrade my order to the Nvidia GeForce 6800 GTO graphics card.  It has 256MB vs the X800SE's 128MB.  I haven't read anything bad on the GeForce, but keep seeing mixed reviews on the X800SE.  The 6800 GTO was the only 256MB card available with the Dimension 8400.  The change will cost me about $130.
I also upgraded the 1GB of DDR2 SDRAM memory from 400MHz to 533MHz.
Thanks again!

40 Posts

November 15th, 2004 16:00

I have the 8400 with an ATI X800 SE and I could'nt be happier.  No problems and all my games are cranked to the max and play like butter.

1 Rookie


11 Posts

November 25th, 2004 07:00

It seems some of you may have bad cards.  Call Dell to troubleshoot (they'll make you reinstall drivers, etc), and failing all that, they will overnight you a new card.

I have the same dilemma.  In the process of ordering, and I can't decide whether to get the GeForce GTO (NOT the same as GT) and try to open the extra shader and 4 unused pipes, or just get the 800SE and see what happens.    Could always upgrade after-market in a year when prices are down for the X800XT or the GeForce 6800 Ultra.

7 Posts

November 26th, 2004 05:00

An update to my situation: I finally got a tech person (Brian in Texas) who would listen and he sent a new card, and lo and behold that was the problem. A bad X800SE shipped with the XPS.

It now works as it should and I am happy.

This is an awesome system.

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